vrealize/Orchestrator/Workflows/VM Provision/README.md

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VM Provision workflow

Wrapper workflow which unpacks the vRA request, identifies the target vCenter, calls Generate Unique Hostname for each compute resource in the request, and returns the newly-generated names back to vRA so they get applied to the deployment.



Name Type Direction Description
inputProperties Properties Input full request payload from vRA
resourceNames Array/string Output contains the newly-generated hostname(s) to return to vRA
customProperties Properties Output modified to insert vCenterName and return back to vRA


Name Type Value Description
digits number optional manually-specified numbering suffix; overrides automatic numbering but still checks for conflicts
domain string domain used for DNS checks
endpointId string vCenter identifier used internally by vRA
nameBase string letter-based portion of the VM naming format
newNames Array/string new names generated by Generate Unique Hostname
originalNames Array/string original resource names
vCenterName string fully-qualified vCenter name