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categories | date | usePageBundles | tags | title | toc | |||||
Backstage | 2021-07-19T16:03:30Z | true |
Script to update image embed links in Markdown files | false |
I'm preparing to migrate this blog thingy from Hashnode (which has been great!) to a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll so that I can write posts locally and then just do a git push
to publish them - and get some more practice using git
in the process. Of course, I've written some admittedly-great content here and I don't want to abandon that.
Hashnode helpfully automatically backs up my posts in Markdown format to a private GitHub repo so it was easy to clone those into a local working directory, but all the embedded images were still hosted on Hashnode:

I wanted to download those images to ./assets/images/posts-2020/
within my local Jekyll working directory, and then update the *.md
files to reflect the correct local path... without doing it all manually. It took a bit of trial and error to get the regex working just right (and the result is neither pretty nor elegant), but here's what I came up with:
# torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true}
# Hasty script to process a blog post markdown file, capture the URL for embedded images,
# download the image locally, and modify the markdown file with the relative image path.
# Run it from the top level of a Jekyll blog directory for best results, and pass the
# filename of the blog post you'd like to process.
# Ex: ./imageMigration.sh 2021-07-19-Bulk-migrating-images-in-a-blog-post.md
imageUrls=($(grep -o -P '(?<=!\[)(?:[^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)' $postfile | grep -o -P 'http.*'))
imageNames=($(for name in ${imageUrls[@]}; do echo $name | grep -o -P '[^\/]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$'; done))
imagePaths=($(for name in ${imageNames[@]}; do echo "assets/images/posts-2020/${name}"; done))
echo -e "\nProcessing $postfile...\n"
for index in ${!imageUrls[@]}; do
echo -e "${imageUrls[index]}\n => ${imagePaths[index]}"
curl ${imageUrls[index]} --output ${imagePaths[index]}
sed -i "s|${imageUrls[index]}|${imagePaths[index]}|" $postfile
I could then run that against all of the Markdown posts under ./_posts/
for post in $(ls _posts/); do ~/scripts/imageMigration.sh $post; done # [tl! .cmd]
And the image embeds in the local copy of my posts now all look like this:
