vrealize/Orchestrator/Workflows/VM Deprovision/Tasks/01_delete_dns_record.js

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/* JavaScript: delete dns record
Deletes records in Microsoft DNS by way of an SSH bastion host upon deployment deletion.
Inputs: inputProperties (Properties), dnsHost (CompositeType(sshHost:string,sshUser:string,sshPass:SecureString,dnsServers:Array/string,supportedDomains:Array/string):dnsHost)
Outputs: none
var hostname = inputProperties.resourceNames[0];
var dnsDomain = inputProperties.customProperties.domain;
var deleted = false;
if (dnsHost_supportedDomains.indexOf(dnsDomain) >= 0) {
System.log("Attempting to remove DNS record for " + hostname + "...");
var sshSession = new SSHSession(dnsHost_sshHost, dnsHost_sshUser);
System.debug("Connecting to " + dnsHost_sshHost + "...");
for each (var dnsServer in dnsHost_dnsServers) {
if (deleted == false) {
System.debug("Using DNS Server " + dnsServer + "...");
var sshCommand = 'Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName ' + dnsServer + ' -Name ' + hostname + ' -ZoneName ' + dnsDomain + ' -RRType A -Force';
System.debug("sshCommand: " + sshCommand);
sshSession.executeCommand(sshCommand, true);
if (sshSession.exitCode == 0) {
System.log("Successfully deleted DNS record.");
deleted = true;
if (deleted == false) {
System.warn("Error! Unable to delete DNS record.");
} else {
System.log("No need to remove DNS records.");