/* JavaScript: vraGetNetworksSorted action Retrieves a (sorted) list of network names and corresponding constraint tags available for deployment in a given zone. Inputs: zoneName (string) Return type: Properties */ if (!(zoneName == "" || zoneName == null)) { var regionUri = null; var token = System.getModule("com.virtuallypotato.utility").vraLogin(); var zones = JSON.parse(System.getModule("com.virtuallypotato.utility").vraExecute(token, "GET", "/iaas/api/zones", null)).content; System.debug("Zones: " + JSON.stringify(zones)); for each (zone in zones) { if (zone.name === zoneName) { System.debug("Matching zone: " + zone.name); regionUri = zone._links.region.href; } if (regionUri != null) { break; }; } System.debug("Matching region URI: " + regionUri); var networkProfiles = JSON.parse(System.getModule("com.virtuallypotato.utility").vraExecute(token, "GET", "/iaas/api/network-profiles", null)).content; System.debug("Network profiles: " + JSON.stringify(networkProfiles)); networks = new Array(); networkProfiles.forEach( function (networkProfile) { if (networkProfile._links.region.href === regionUri) { for each (uri in networkProfile._links["fabric-networks"].hrefs) { var networkProps = JSON.parse(System.getModule("com.virtuallypotato.utility").vraExecute(token, "GET", uri, null)); System.debug(JSON.stringify(networkProps)); var networkTag = null; for each (tag in networkProps.tags) { if (tag.key === "network") { networkTag = "network:" + tag.value; } if (networkTag != null) { break; }; } networks.push(new Properties({value: networkTag, label: networkProps.name})); } } } ); networks.sort( function (a, b) { return a.label > b.label ? 1 : (a.label < b.label ? -1 : 0); } ); System.getModule("com.virtuallypotato.utility").vraLogout(token); return networks; } else { return [""]; }