new workflow: VM Post-Provision

This commit is contained in:
John Bowdre 2022-06-16 10:26:59 -05:00
parent f0e65c2bc3
commit 0473812207
5 changed files with 73 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# VM Post-Provision workflow
Performs post-deploy tasks like adding notes to the VM object and creating static DNS records (if needed).
## Inputs/Outputs
| Name | Type | Direction | Description |
|:--- |:--- |:---|:---|
| `inputProperties` | Properties | Input | full request payload from vRA |
## Variables
| Name | Type | Value | Description |
|:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |
| `vm` | VC:VirtualMachine| | virtual machine object |
| `dnsHost` | CompositeType(sshHost:string,sshUser:string,sshPass:SecureString,dnsServers:Array/string,supportedDomains:Array/string):dnsConfig | `Endpoints: dnsHost` | object which stores endpoint and credential details for DNS operations |

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* JavaScript: get VM object
Retrieves a VC:VirtualMachine object matching the resourceName from the VcPlugin
Inputs: inputProperties (Properties)
Outputs: vm (VC:VirtualMachine)
var name = inputProperties.resourceNames[0];
var vms = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(null, name);
System.debug("Found VM object: " + vms[0]);
vm = vms[0];

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
/* JavaScript: set notes
Adds notes and custom attributes to the VC:VirtualMachine
Inputs: inputProperties (Properties), vm (VC:VirtualMachine)
Outputs: none
var notes = inputProperties.customProperties.description;
var poc = inputProperties.customProperties.poc;
var ticket = inputProperties.customProperties.ticket;
var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
spec.annotation = notes;
System.log("Set VM description: " + notes);
System.getModule("").setOrCreateCustomField(vm, "Point of Contact", poc);
System.getModule("").setOrCreateCustomField(vm, "Ticket", ticket);
System.log("Set VM attributes: Point of Contact " + poc + ", Ticket " + ticket);

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* JavaScript: create dns record
Optionally creates a static record in Microsoft DNS by way of an SSH bastion host.
Inputs: inputProperties (Properties), dnsHost (CompositeType(sshHost:string,sshUser:string,sshPass:SecureString,dnsServers:Array/string,supportedDomains:Array/string):dnsConfig)
Outputs: none
var staticDns = inputProperties.customProperties.staticDns;
var hostname = inputProperties.resourceNames[0];
var dnsDomain = inputProperties.customProperties.domain;
var ipAddress = inputProperties.addresses[0];
var created = false;
if (staticDns == "true" && dnsHost.supportedDomains.indexOf(dnsDomain) >= 0) {
System.log("Attempting to create DNS record for " + hostname + "." + ipAddress + "...");
var sshSession = new SSHSession(dnsHost.sshHost, dnsHost_sshUser);
System.debug("Connecting to " + dnsHost.sshHost + "...");
for each (dnsServer in dnsHost.dnsServers) {
if (created == false) {
System.debug("Using DNS Server " + dnsServer + "...");
var sshCommand = 'Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -ComputerName ' + dnsServer + ' -Name ' + hostname + ' -ZoneName ' + dnsDomain + ' -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address ' + ipAddress;
System.debug("sshCommand: " + sshCommand);
sshSession.executeCommand(sshCommand, true);
if (sshSession.exitCode == 0) {
System.log("Successfully created DNS record.");
created = true;
if (created == false) {
System.warn("Error! Unable to create DNS record.");
} else {
System.log("Not trying to do DNS.");

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