| `adHost` | AD:AdHost | `[object AD:AdHost]` | host used by the AD plugin |
| `candidateVmName` | string | | holds the current working name during checks |
| `computerNames` | ConfigurationElement | `[object ConfigurationElement]` | vRO config element to keep track of the last-used number sequence for a given `nameBase` |
| `conflict` | boolean | `false` | gets set to true when a name conflict is encountered |
| `digitCount` | number | `2` | determines how many digits get appended to `nameBase` |
| `errMsg` | string | | thrown when errors are encountered |
|`hostnameSequence` | number | `0` | starts the sequence at 0, tracks as it changes |
| `vcSdkConnection` | VC:SdkConnection | | host used by the vCenter plugin (set based on `vmName` input) |
| `vms` | Array/VC:VirtualMachine | | holds VM objects to check for conflicts |