--- title: "Bulk Import vSphere dvPortGroups to phpIPAM" # Title of the blog post. date: 2022-01-21T15:24:00-06:00 # Date of post creation. # lastmod: 2022-01-21T15:24:00-06:00 # Date when last modified description: "I wrote a Python script to interface with the phpIPAM API and import a large number of networks exported from vSphere for IP management." # Description used for search engine. featured: false # Sets if post is a featured post, making appear on the home page side bar. draft: true # Sets whether to render this page. Draft of true will not be rendered. toc: false # Controls if a table of contents should be generated for first-level links automatically. usePageBundles: true # menu: main # featureImage: "file.png" # Sets featured image on blog post. # featureImageAlt: 'Description of image' # Alternative text for featured image. # featureImageCap: 'This is the featured image.' # Caption (optional). # thumbnail: "thumbnail.png" # Sets thumbnail image appearing inside card on homepage. # shareImage: "share.png" # Designate a separate image for social media sharing. codeLineNumbers: false # Override global value for showing of line numbers within code block. series: Scripts tags: - vmware - powercli - python - api - phpipam comment: true # Disable comment if false. --- I [recently wrote](/tanzu-community-edition-k8s-homelab/#a-real-workload---phpipam) about getting started with VMware's [Tanzu Community Edition](https://tanzucommunityedition.io/) and deploying [phpIPAM](https://phpipam.net/) as my first real-world Kubernetes workload. Well I've spent much of my time since then working on a script which would help to populate my phpIPAM instance with a list of networks to monitor. ### Planning and Exporting The first step in making this work was to figure out which networks I wanted to import. We've got hundreds of different networks in use across our production vSphere environments. I focused only on those which are portgroups on distributed virtual switches since those configurations are pretty standardized (being vCenter constructs instead of configured on individual hosts). These dvPortGroups bear a naming standard which conveys all sorts of useful information, and it's easy and safe to rename any dvPortGroups which _don't_ fit the standard (unlike renaming portgroups on a standard virtual switch). The standard naming convention is `[Site/Description] [Network Address]{/[Mask]}`. So the networks (across two virtual datacenters and two dvSwitches) look something like this: ![Production dvPortGroups approximated in my testing lab environment](dvportgroups.png) Some networks have masks in the name, some don't; and some use an underscore (`_`) rather than a slash (`/`) to separate the network from the mask . Most networks correctly include the network address with a `0` in the last octet, but some use an `x` instead. And the VLANs associated with the networks have a varying number of digits. Consistency can be difficult so these are all things that I had to keep in mind as I worked on a solution which would make a true best effort at importing all of these. As long as the dvPortGroup names stick to this format I can parse the name to come up with a description as well as the IP space of the network. The dvPortGroup also carries information about the associated VLAN, which is useful information to have. And I can easily export this information with a simple PowerCLI query: ```powershell PS /home/john> get-vdportgroup | select Name, VlanConfiguration Name VlanConfiguration ---- ----------------- MGT-Home MGT-Servers VLAN 1610 BOW-Servers VLAN 1620 BOW-Servers VLAN 1630 BOW-Servers VLAN 1640 DRE-Servers VLAN 1650 DRE-Servers 172.16.60.x VLAN 1660 VPOT8-Mgmt VLAN 20 VPOT8-Servers VLAN 30 VPOT8-Servers VLAN 40 ``` In my [homelab](/vmware-home-lab-on-intel-nuc-9/), I only have a single vCenter. In production, we've got a handful of vCenters, and each manages the hosts in a given region. So I can use information about which vCenter hosts a dvPortGroup to figure out which region a network is in. When I import this data into phpIPAM, I can use the vCenter name to assign [remote scan agents](https://github.com/jbowdre/phpipam-agent-docker) to networks based on the region that they're in. I can also grab information about which virtual datacenter a dvPortGroup lives in, which I'll use for grouping networks into sites or sections. The vCenter can be found in the `Uid` property returned by `get-vdportgroup`: ```powershell PS /home/john> get-vdportgroup | select Name, VlanConfiguration, Datacenter, Uid Name VlanConfiguration Datacenter Uid ---- ----------------- ---------- --- MGT-Home Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-27015/ MGT-Servers VLAN 1610 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-27017/ BOW-Servers VLAN 1620 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-28010/ BOW-Servers VLAN 1630 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-28011/ BOW-Servers VLAN 1640 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-28012/ DRE-Servers VLAN 1650 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-28013/ DRE-Servers 172.16.60.x VLAN 1660 Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-28014/ VPOT8-Mgmt… VLAN 20 Other Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-35018/ VPOT8-Servers 172.20.10… VLAN 30 Other Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-35019/ VPOT8-Servers 172.20.10… VLAN 40 Other Lab /VIServer=lab\john@vcsa.lab.bowdre.net:443/DistributedPortgroup=DistributedVirtualPortgroup-dvportgroup-35020/ ``` It's not pretty, but it'll do the trick. All that's left is to export this data into a handy-dandy CSV-formatted file that I can easily parse for import: ```powershell get-vdportgroup | select Name, VlanConfiguration, Datacenter, Uid | export-csv -NoTypeInformation ./networks.csv ``` ![My networks.csv export, including the networks which don't match the naming criteria and will be skipped by the import process.](/networks.csv.png) ### Setting up phpIPAM After [deploying a fresh phpIPAM instance on my Tanzu Community Edition Kubernetes cluster](/tanzu-community-edition-k8s-homelab/#a-real-workload---phpipam), there are a few additional steps needed to enable API access. To start, I log in to my phpIPAM instance and navigate to the **Administration > Server Management > phpIPAM Settings** page, where I enabled both the *Prettify links* and *API* feature settings - making sure to hit the **Save** button at the bottom of the page once I do so. ![Enabling the API](/server_settings.png) Then I need to head to the **User Management** page to create a new user that will be used to authenticate against the API: ![New user creation](/new_user.png) And finally, I head to the **API** section to create a new API key with Read/Write permissions: ![API key creation](/api_user.png) I'm also going to head in to **Administration > IP Related Management > Sections** and delete the default sample sections so that the inventory will be nice and empty: ![We don't need no stinkin' sections!](/empty_sections.png) ### Script time Well that's enough prep work; now it's time for the script. It's going to start by prompting the user to input required details like the fully-qualified host name of the phpIPAM server, the credentials and API key to use for the connection, and the CSV file from which to import the networks. ![Answering the script's prompts](/script_initial.png) Notice that the script also prompts for a default set of DNS nameservers to be used. It will create a nameserver set in phpIPAM for each region (based on the vCenter) using these IPs. ```python # The latest version of this script can be found on Github: # https://github.com/jbowdre/misc-scripts/blob/main/Python/phpipam-bulk-import.py """ This interactive script helps to import vSphere dvPortGroup networks into phpIPAM for monitoring IP usage. It is assumed that the dvPortGroups are named like '[Description] [Network address]{/[mask]}': Ex: LAB-Management BOW-Servers Networks can be exported from vSphere via PowerCLI: Get-VDPortgroup | Select Name, Datacenter, VlanConfiguration, Uid | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation ./networks.csv Subnets added to phpIPAM will be automatically configured for monitoring either using the built-in scan agent (default) or a new remote scan agent named for the source vCenter ('vcenter_name-agent'). """ import requests from collections import namedtuple check_cert = True created = 0 remote_agent = False name_to_id = namedtuple('name_to_id', ['name', 'id']) #for testing only # from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning # requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # check_cert = False def validate_input_is_not_empty(field, prompt): while True: user_input = input(f'\n{prompt}:\n') if len(user_input) == 0: print(f'[ERROR] {field} cannot be empty!') continue else: return user_input def get_sorted_list_of_unique_values(key, list_of_dict): valueSet = set(sub[key] for sub in list_of_dict) valueList = list(valueSet) valueList.sort() return valueList def get_id_from_sets(name, sets): return [item.id for item in sets if name == item.name][0] def auth_session(uri, auth): # authenticate to the API endpoint and retrieve an auth token print(f'Authenticating to {uri}...') try: req = requests.post(f'{uri}/user/', auth=auth, verify=check_cert) except: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException if req.status_code != 200: print(f'[ERROR] Authentication failure: {req.json()}') raise requests.exceptions.RequestException token = {"token": req.json()['data']['token']} print('\n[AUTH_SUCCESS] Authenticated successfully!') return token def get_agent_sets(uri, token, regions): agent_sets = [] def create_agent_set(uri, token, name): import secrets payload = { 'name': name, 'type': 'mysql', 'code': secrets.base64.urlsafe_b64encode(secrets.token_bytes(24)).decode("utf-8"), 'description': f'Remote scan agent for region {name}' } req = requests.post(f'{uri}/tools/scanagents/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) id = req.json()['id'] agent_set = name_to_id(name, id) print(f'[AGENT_CREATE] {name} created.') return agent_set for region in regions: name = regions[region]['name'] req = requests.get(f'{uri}/tools/scanagents/?filter_by=name&filter_value={name}', headers=token, verify=check_cert) if req.status_code == 200: id = req.json()['data'][0]['id'] agent_set = name_to_id(name, id) else: agent_set = create_agent_set(uri, token, name) agent_sets.append(agent_set) return agent_sets def get_section(uri, token, section, parentSectionId): def create_section(uri, token, section, parentSectionId): payload = { 'name': section, 'masterSection': parentSectionId, 'permissions': '{"2":"2"}', 'showVLAN': '1' } req = requests.post(f'{uri}/sections/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) id = req.json()['id'] print(f'[SECTION_CREATE] Section {section} created.') return id req = requests.get(f'{uri}/sections/{section}/', headers=token, verify=check_cert) if req.status_code == 200: id = req.json()['data']['id'] else: id = create_section(uri, token, section, parentSectionId) return id def get_vlan_sets(uri, token, vlans): vlan_sets = [] def create_vlan_set(uri, token, vlan): payload = { 'name': f'VLAN {vlan}', 'number': vlan } req = requests.post(f'{uri}/vlan/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) id = req.json()['id'] vlan_set = name_to_id(vlan, id) print(f'[VLAN_CREATE] VLAN {vlan} created.') return vlan_set for vlan in vlans: if vlan != 0: req = requests.get(f'{uri}/vlan/?filter_by=number&filter_value={vlan}', headers=token, verify=check_cert) if req.status_code == 200: id = req.json()['data'][0]['vlanId'] vlan_set = name_to_id(vlan, id) else: vlan_set = create_vlan_set(uri, token, vlan) vlan_sets.append(vlan_set) return vlan_sets def get_nameserver_sets(uri, token, regions): nameserver_sets = [] def create_nameserver_set(uri, token, name, nameservers): payload = { 'name': name, 'namesrv1': nameservers, 'description': f'Nameserver created for region {name}' } req = requests.post(f'{uri}/tools/nameservers/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) id = req.json()['id'] nameserver_set = name_to_id(name, id) print(f'[NAMESERVER_CREATE] Nameserver {name} created.') return nameserver_set for region in regions: name = regions[region]['name'] req = requests.get(f'{uri}/tools/nameservers/?filter_by=name&filter_value={name}', headers=token, verify=check_cert) if req.status_code == 200: id = req.json()['data'][0]['id'] nameserver_set = name_to_id(name, id) else: nameserver_set = create_nameserver_set(uri, token, name, regions[region]['nameservers']) nameserver_sets.append(nameserver_set) return nameserver_sets def create_subnet(uri, token, network): def update_nameserver_permissions(uri, token, network): nameserverId = network['nameserverId'] sectionId = network['sectionId'] req = requests.get(f'{uri}/tools/nameservers/{nameserverId}/', headers=token, verify=check_cert) permissions = req.json()['data']['permissions'] permissions = str(permissions).split(';') if not sectionId in permissions: permissions.append(sectionId) if 'None' in permissions: permissions.remove('None') permissions = ';'.join(permissions) payload = { 'permissions': permissions } req = requests.patch(f'{uri}/tools/nameservers/{nameserverId}/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) payload = { 'subnet': network['subnet'], 'mask': network['mask'], 'description': network['name'], 'sectionId': network['sectionId'], 'scanAgent': network['agentId'], 'nameserverId': network['nameserverId'], 'vlanId': network['vlanId'], 'pingSubnet': '1', 'discoverSubnet': '1', 'resolveDNS': '1', 'DNSrecords': '1' } req = requests.post(f'{uri}/subnets/', data=payload, headers=token, verify=check_cert) if req.status_code == 201: network['subnetId'] = req.json()['id'] update_nameserver_permissions(uri, token, network) print(f"[SUBNET_CREATE] Created subnet {req.json()['data']}") global created created += 1 elif req.status_code == 409: print(f"[SUBNET_EXISTS] Subnet {network['subnet']}/{network['mask']} already exists.") else: print(f"[ERROR] Problem creating subnet {network['name']}: {req.json()}") def import_networks(filepath): # import the list of networks from the specified csv file print(f'Importing networks from {filepath}...') import csv import re ipPattern = re.compile('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.[0-9xX]{1,3}') networks = [] with open(filepath) as csv_file: reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) line_count = 0 for row in reader: network = {} if line_count > 0: if(re.search(ipPattern, row['Name'])): network['subnet'] = re.findall(ipPattern, row['Name'])[0] if network['subnet'].split('.')[-1].lower() == 'x': network['subnet'] = network['subnet'].lower().replace('x', '0') network['name'] = row['Name'] if '/' in row['Name'][-3]: network['mask'] = row['Name'].split('/')[-1] else: network['mask'] = '24' network['section'] = row['Datacenter'] try: network['vlan'] = int(row['VlanConfiguration'].split('VLAN ')[1]) except: network['vlan'] = 0 network['vcenter'] = f"{(row['Uid'].split('@'))[1].split(':')[0].split('.')[0]}" networks.append(network) line_count += 1 print(f'Processed {line_count} lines and found:') return networks def main(): # gather inputs import socket import getpass import argparse from pathlib import Path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("filepath", type=Path) print("""\n\n This script helps to add vSphere networks to phpIPAM for IP address management. It is expected that the vSphere networks are configured as portgroups on distributed virtual switches and named like '[Site]-[Purpose] [Subnet IP]{/[mask]}' (ex: 'LAB-Servers'). The following PowerCLI command can be used to export the networks from vSphere: Get-VDPortgroup | Select Name, Datacenter, VlanConfiguration, Uid | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation ./networks.csv Subnets added to phpIPAM will be automatically configured for monitoring either using the built-in scan agent (default) or a new remote scan agent named for the source vCenter ('vcenter_name-agent'). """) try: p = parser.parse_args() filepath = p.filepath except: # make sure filepath is a path to an actual file while True: filepath = Path(validate_input_is_not_empty('Filepath', 'Path to CSV-formatted export from vCenter')) if filepath.exists(): break else: print(f'[ERROR] Unable to find file at {filepath.name}.') continue # get collection of networks to import networks = import_networks(filepath) networkNames = get_sorted_list_of_unique_values('name', networks) print(f'\n- {len(networkNames)} networks:\n\t{networkNames}') vcenters = get_sorted_list_of_unique_values('vcenter', networks) print(f'\n- {len(vcenters)} vCenter servers:\n\t{vcenters}') vlans = get_sorted_list_of_unique_values('vlan', networks) print(f'\n- {len(vlans)} VLANs:\n\t{vlans}') sections = get_sorted_list_of_unique_values('section', networks) print(f'\n- {len(sections)} Datacenters:\n\t{sections}') regions = {} for vcenter in vcenters: nameservers = None name = validate_input_is_not_empty('Region Name', f'Region name for vCenter {vcenter}') for region in regions: if name in regions[region]['name']: nameservers = regions[region]['nameservers'] if not nameservers: nameservers = validate_input_is_not_empty('Nameserver IPs', f"Comma-separated list of nameserver IPs in {name}") nameservers = nameservers.replace(',',';').replace(' ','') regions[vcenter] = {'name': name, 'nameservers': nameservers} # make sure hostname resolves while True: hostname = input('\nFully-qualified domain name of the phpIPAM host:\n') if len(hostname) == 0: print('[ERROR] Hostname cannot be empty.') continue try: test = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except: print(f'[ERROR] Unable to resolve {hostname}.') continue else: del test break username = validate_input_is_not_empty('Username', f'Username with read/write access to {hostname}') password = getpass.getpass(f'Password for {username}:\n') apiAppId = validate_input_is_not_empty('App ID', f'App ID for API key (from https://{hostname}/administration/api/)') agent = input('\nUse per-region remote scan agents instead of a single local scanner? (y/N):\n') try: if agent.lower()[0] == 'y': global remote_agent remote_agent = True except: pass proceed = input(f'\n\nProceed with importing {len(networkNames)} networks to {hostname}? (y/N):\n') try: if proceed.lower()[0] == 'y': pass else: import sys sys.exit("Operation aborted.") except: import sys sys.exit("Operation aborted.") del proceed # assemble variables uri = f'https://{hostname}/api/{apiAppId}' auth = (username, password) # auth to phpIPAM token = auth_session(uri, auth) nameserver_sets = get_nameserver_sets(uri, token, regions) vlan_sets = get_vlan_sets(uri, token, vlans) if remote_agent: agent_sets = get_agent_sets(uri, token, regions) # create the networks for network in networks: network['region'] = regions[network['vcenter']]['name'] network['regionId'] = get_section(uri, token, network['region'], None) network['nameserverId'] = get_id_from_sets(network['region'], nameserver_sets) network['sectionId'] = get_section(uri, token, network['section'], network['regionId']) if network['vlan'] == 0: network['vlanId'] = None else: network['vlanId'] = get_id_from_sets(network['vlan'], vlan_sets) if remote_agent: network['agentId'] = get_id_from_sets(network['region'], agent_sets) else: network['agentId'] = '1' create_subnet(uri, token, network) print(f'\n[FINISH] Created {created} of {len(networks)} networks.') if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```