## Metadata twitter = "@johndotbowdre" largeTwitterCard = true introDescription = "Wrangler of imaginary computers." description = "I can generally fumble through a project and make it work. Here I share how I did it: my adventures with VMware vRealize Automation, cloud and automation projects I'm working on, linux and Powershell scripts I've cobbled together, and other tech tips and tricks." since = 2018 ## Logos & icons fallBackOgImage = "logos/thumbnail.png" iconsDir = "images/icons/" centerLogo = false logo = "logos/logo.png" footerLogo = "logos/logo_footer.png" ## Site preferences numberOfTagsShown = 10 codeMaxLines = 25 codeLineNumbers = false enableMathNotation = false usePageBundles = true mainSections = ["posts"] figurePositionShow = false mobileNavigation = "right" enforceLightMode = false enforceDarkMode = true titleSeparator = "-" numberOfRecentPosts = 6 numberOfRelatedPosts = 6 numberOfFeaturedPosts = 4 toc = true timeless = false ## Website author [author] name = "John Bowdre" photo = "images/bio-photo.jpg" ## Comments comments = true [utterances] repo="jbowdre/virtuallypotato" # owner/repo where github comments will happen issueterm="title" # how will the issues be mapped to the articles theme="dark-blue" # theme to be applied to comments box