--- title: "Run Virtual Machines on a Chromebook with HashiCorp Vagrant" # Title of the blog post. date: 2023-02-18T17:22:02-06:00 # Date of post creation. # lastmod: 2023-02-18T17:22:02-06:00 # Date when last modified description: "Pairing the powerful Linux Development Environment on modern Chromebooks with HashiCorp Vagrant for managing local virtual machines for development and testing" # Description used for search engine. featured: false # Sets if post is a featured post, making appear on the home page side bar. draft: true # Sets whether to render this page. Draft of true will not be rendered. toc: true # Controls if a table of contents should be generated for first-level links automatically. usePageBundles: true # menu: main # featureImage: "file.png" # Sets featured image on blog post. # featureImageAlt: 'Description of image' # Alternative text for featured image. # featureImageCap: 'This is the featured image.' # Caption (optional). # thumbnail: "thumbnail.png" # Sets thumbnail image appearing inside card on homepage. # shareImage: "share.png" # Designate a separate image for social media sharing. codeLineNumbers: false # Override global value for showing of line numbers within code block. series: Projects tags: - linux - chromeos - homelab - infrastructure-as-code comment: true # Disable comment if false. --- I've lately been trying to do more with [Salt](https://saltproject.io/) at work, but I'm still very much a novice with that tool. I thought it would be great to have a nice little lab environment where I could deploy a few lightweight VMs and practice managing them with Salt - without impacting any systems that are actually being used for anything. I thought it might be fun to create and manage the VMs with [HashiCorp Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/), and ultimately provision them with [HashiCorp Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/). That would give me the tools for quickly creating and destroying a full lab environment in short order. Also, because I'm a bit of a sadist, I wanted to do this all on my new [Framework Chromebook](https://frame.work/laptop-chromebook-12-gen-intel). I might as well put my 32GB of RAM to good use, right? It took a bit of fumbling, but this article describes what it took to get a Vagrant VM up and running in the [Linux Development Environment](https://chromeos.dev/en/linux) on my Chromebook (which is currently running ChromeOS v111 beta). Prereqs: ```shell sudo apt update sudo apt install \ build-essential \ gpg \ lsb-release \ wget ``` Install `libvirt`-related prereqs: ```shell sudo apt install virt-manager libvirt-dev ``` Add self to `libvirt` group: ```shell sudo gpasswd -a $USER libvirt ; newgrp libvirt ``` Add HashiCorp repo: ```shell wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list ``` Install `vagrant` and plugins: ```shell sudo apt update sudo apt install vagrant vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt ``` Prepare a Vagrant directory: ```shell mkdir vagrant-bullseye cd vagrant-bullseye vagrant init debian/bullseye64 ``` Install `rsync`: ```shell sudo apt install rsync ``` Enable `rsync` (and disable NFS, which isn't supported within LXD) for Vagrant by editing the `Vagrantfile` to include: ``` config.nfs.verify_installed = false config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', type: 'rsync' ``` Start the VM: ```shell vagrant up ``` Log in: ```shell vagrant ssh ```