description: "How to manually install Tailscale on VMware's Photon OS - or any other systemd-based platform without official Tailscale packages." # Description used for search engine.
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- tailscale
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You might remember that I'm a [pretty big fan](/secure-networking-made-simple-with-tailscale/) of [Tailscale](, which makes it easy to connect your various devices together in a secure [tailnet](, or private network. Tailscale is super simple to set up on most platforms, but you'll need to [install it manually]( if there isn't a prebuilt package for your system.
Here's a condensed list of the [steps that I took to manually install Tailscale](/esxi-arm-on-quartz64/#installing-tailscale) on VMware's [Photon OS](, though the same (or similar) steps should also work on just about any other `systemd`-based system.
1. Visit []( to see the latest stable version for your system architecture, and copy the URL. For instance, I'll be using ``.
From that point, just [`sudo tailscale up`]( like normal.
{{% notice info "Updating Tailscale" %}}
Since Tailscale was installed outside of any package manager, it won't get updated automatically. When new versions are released you'll need to update it manually. To do that:
1. Download and extract the new version.
2. Install the `tailscale` and `tailscaled` binaries as described above (no need to install the service files again).
3. Restart the service with `sudo systemctl restart tailscaled`.