/* DESCRIPTION: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS Kubernetes node variables used by the Packer Plugin for VMware vSphere (vsphere-iso). */ // vSphere Credentials vsphere_endpoint = "vcenter.lab.local" vsphere_username = "packer" vsphere_password = "VMware1!" vsphere_insecure_connection = true // vSphere Settings vsphere_datacenter = "Datacenter 01" vsphere_cluster = "cluster-01" vsphere_datastore = "datastore-01" vsphere_network = "network-01" vsphere_folder = "_Templates" // Guest Operating System Settings vm_guest_os_language = "en_US" vm_guest_os_keyboard = "us" vm_guest_os_timezone = "America/Chicago" vm_guest_os_family = "linux" vm_guest_os_type = "ubuntu64Guest" // Virtual Machine Hardware Settings vm_name = "k8s-u2004" vm_firmware = "efi-secure" vm_cdrom_type = "sata" vm_cpu_count = 2 vm_cpu_cores = 1 vm_cpu_hot_add = true vm_mem_size = 2048 vm_mem_hot_add = true vm_disk_size = 30720 vm_disk_controller_type = ["pvscsi"] vm_disk_thin_provisioned = true vm_network_card = "vmxnet3" common_vm_version = 19 common_tools_upgrade_policy = true common_remove_cdrom = true // Template and Content Library Settings common_template_conversion = true common_content_library_name = null common_content_library_ovf = false common_content_library_destroy = true common_content_library_skip_export = true // OVF Export Settings common_ovf_export_enabled = false common_ovf_export_overwrite = true common_ovf_export_path = "" // Removable Media Settings common_iso_datastore = "datastore-01" iso_url = null iso_path = "_ISO" iso_file = "ubuntu-20.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso" iso_checksum_type = "sha256" iso_checksum_value = "5035be37a7e9abbdc09f0d257f3e33416c1a0fb322ba860d42d74aa75c3468d4" // Boot Settings vm_boot_order = "disk,cdrom" vm_boot_wait = "4s" vm_boot_command = [ "", "linux /casper/vmlinuz --- autoinstall ds=\"nocloud\"", "", "initrd /casper/initrd", "", "boot", "" ] // Communicator Settings communicator_port = 22 communicator_timeout = "20m" common_ip_wait_timeout = "20m" common_shutdown_timeout = "15m" build_remove_keys = false build_username = "admin" build_password = "VMware1!" build_key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOpLvpxilPjpCahAQxs4RQgv+Lb5xObULXtwEoimEBpA builder" // Provisioner Settings post_install_scripts = [ "scripts/wait-for-cloud-init.sh", "scripts/cleanup-subiquity.sh", "scripts/install-ca-certs.sh", "scripts/disable-multipathd.sh", "scripts/disable-release-upgrade-motd.sh", "scripts/persist-cloud-init-net.sh", "scripts/configure-sshd.sh", "scripts/install-k8s.sh", "scripts/update-packages.sh" ] pre_final_scripts = [ "scripts/cleanup-cloud-init.sh", "scripts/enable-vmware-customization.sh", "scripts/zero-disk.sh", "scripts/generalize.sh" ] // Kubernetes Settings k8s_version = "1.25.3"