/* DESCRIPTION: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS variables using the Packer Builder for VMware vSphere (vsphere-iso). */ // BLOCK: variable // Defines the input variables. // vSphere Credentials variable "vsphere_endpoint" { type = string description = "The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the vCenter Server instance. ('vcenter.lab.local')" } variable "vsphere_username" { type = string description = "The username to login to the vCenter Server instance. ('packer')" sensitive = true } variable "vsphere_password" { type = string description = "The password for the login to the vCenter Server instance." sensitive = true } variable "vsphere_insecure_connection" { type = bool description = "Do not validate vCenter Server TLS certificate." default = true } // vSphere Settings variable "vsphere_datacenter" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere datacenter. ('Lab Datacenter')" } variable "vsphere_cluster" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere cluster. ('cluster-01')" } variable "vsphere_datastore" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere datastore. ('datastore-01')" } variable "vsphere_network" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere network. ('network-')" } variable "vsphere_folder" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere folder. ('_Templates')" } // Virtual Machine Settings variable "vm_name" { type = string description = "Name of the new VM to create." } variable "vm_guest_os_language" { type = string description = "The guest operating system lanugage." default = "en_US" } variable "vm_guest_os_keyboard" { type = string description = "The guest operating system keyboard input." default = "us" } variable "vm_guest_os_timezone" { type = string description = "The guest operating system timezone." default = "UTC" } variable "vm_guest_os_type" { type = string description = "The guest operating system type. ('ubuntu64Guest')" } variable "vm_firmware" { type = string description = "The virtual machine firmware. ('efi-secure'. 'efi', or 'bios')" default = "efi-secure" } variable "vm_cdrom_type" { type = string description = "The virtual machine CD-ROM type. ('sata', or 'ide')" default = "sata" } variable "vm_cpu_count" { type = number description = "The number of virtual CPUs. ('2')" } variable "vm_cpu_cores" { type = number description = "The number of virtual CPUs cores per socket. ('1')" } variable "vm_cpu_hot_add" { type = bool description = "Enable hot add CPU." default = true } variable "vm_mem_size" { type = number description = "The size for the virtual memory in MB. ('2048')" } variable "vm_mem_hot_add" { type = bool description = "Enable hot add memory." default = true } variable "vm_disk_size" { type = number description = "The size for the virtual disk in MB. ('61440' = 60GB)" default = 61440 } variable "vm_disk_controller_type" { type = list(string) description = "The virtual disk controller types in sequence. ('pvscsi')" default = ["pvscsi"] } variable "vm_disk_thin_provisioned" { type = bool description = "Thin provision the virtual disk." default = true } variable "vm_disk_eagerly_scrub" { type = bool description = "Enable VMDK eager scrubbing for VM." default = false } variable "vm_network_card" { type = string description = "The virtual network card type. ('vmxnet3' or 'e1000e')" default = "vmxnet3" } variable "common_vm_version" { type = number description = "The vSphere virtual hardware version. (e.g. '19')" } variable "common_tools_upgrade_policy" { type = bool description = "Upgrade VMware Tools on reboot." default = true } variable "common_remove_cdrom" { type = bool description = "Remove the virtual CD-ROM(s)." default = true } // Template and Content Library Settings variable "common_template_conversion" { type = bool description = "Convert the virtual machine to template. Must be 'false' for content library." default = false } variable "common_content_library_name" { type = string description = "The name of the target vSphere content library, if used. ('Lab-CL')" default = null } variable "common_content_library_ovf" { type = bool description = "Export to content library as an OVF template." default = false } variable "common_content_library_destroy" { type = bool description = "Delete the virtual machine after exporting to the content library." default = true } variable "common_content_library_skip_export" { type = bool description = "Skip exporting the virtual machine to the content library. Option allows for testing / debugging without saving the machine image." default = false } // Snapshot Settings variable "common_snapshot_creation" { type = bool description = "Create a snapshot for Linked Clones." default = false } variable "common_snapshot_name" { type = string description = "Name of the snapshot to be created if create_snapshot is true." default = "Created By Packer" } // OVF Export Settings variable "common_ovf_export_enabled" { type = bool description = "Enable OVF artifact export." default = false } variable "common_ovf_export_overwrite" { type = bool description = "Overwrite existing OVF artifact." default = true } variable "common_ovf_export_path" { type = string description = "Folder path for the OVF export." } // Removable Media Settings variable "common_iso_datastore" { type = string description = "The name of the source vSphere datastore for ISO images. ('datastore-iso-01')" } variable "iso_url" { type = string description = "The URL source of the ISO image. ('https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.5/ubuntu-20.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso')" } variable "iso_path" { type = string description = "The path on the source vSphere datastore for ISO image. ('ISOs/Linux')" } variable "iso_file" { type = string description = "The file name of the ISO image used by the vendor. ('ubuntu-20.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso')" } variable "iso_checksum_type" { type = string description = "The checksum algorithm used by the vendor. ('sha256')" } variable "iso_checksum_value" { type = string description = "The checksum value provided by the vendor." } variable "cd_label" { type = string description = "CD Label" default = "cidata" } // Boot Settings variable "vm_boot_order" { type = string description = "The boot order for virtual machines devices. ('disk,cdrom')" default = "disk,cdrom" } variable "vm_boot_wait" { type = string description = "The time to wait before boot." } variable "vm_boot_command" { type = list(string) description = "The virtual machine boot command." default = [] } variable "vm_shutdown_command" { type = string description = "Command(s) for guest operating system shutdown." default = null } variable "common_ip_wait_timeout" { type = string description = "Time to wait for guest operating system IP address response." } variable "common_shutdown_timeout" { type = string description = "Time to wait for guest operating system shutdown." } // Communicator Settings and Credentials variable "build_username" { type = string description = "The username to login to the guest operating system. ('admin')" } variable "build_password" { type = string description = "The password to login to the guest operating system." sensitive = true } variable "build_password_encrypted" { type = string description = "The encrypted password to login the guest operating system." sensitive = true default = null } variable "ssh_keys" { type = list(string) description = "List of public keys to be added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys." sensitive = true default = [] } variable "build_remove_keys" { type = bool description = "If true, Packer will attempt to remove its temporary key from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" default = true } // Communicator Settings variable "communicator_port" { type = string description = "The port for the communicator protocol." } variable "communicator_timeout" { type = string description = "The timeout for the communicator protocol." } variable "communicator_insecure" { type = bool description = "If true, do not check server certificate chain and host name" default = true } variable "communicator_ssl" { type = bool description = "If true, use SSL" default = true } // Provisioner Settings variable "cloud_init_apt_packages" { type = list(string) description = "A list of apt packages to install during the subiquity cloud-init installer." default = [] } variable "cloud_init_apt_mirror" { type = string description = "Sets the default apt mirror during the subiquity cloud-init installer." default = "" } variable "post_install_scripts" { type = list(string) description = "A list of scripts and their relative paths to transfer and run after OS install." default = [] } variable "pre_final_scripts" { type = list(string) description = "A list of scripts and their relative paths to transfer and run before finalization." default = [] } // Kubernetes Settings variable "k8s_version" { type = string description = "Kubernetes version to be installed. Latest stable is listed at https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt" default = "1.25.3" }