/* DESCRIPTION: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS Kubernetes node template using the Packer Builder for VMware vSphere (vsphere-iso). */ // BLOCK: packer // The Packer configuration. packer { required_version = ">= 1.8.2" required_plugins { vsphere = { version = ">= 1.0.8" source = "github.com/hashicorp/vsphere" } sshkey = { version = ">= 1.0.3" source = "github.com/ivoronin/sshkey" } } } // BLOCK: data // Defines data sources. data "sshkey" "install" { type = "ed25519" name = "packer_key" } // BLOCK: locals // Defines local variables. locals { ssh_public_key = data.sshkey.install.public_key ssh_private_key_file = data.sshkey.install.private_key_path build_tool = "HashiCorp Packer ${packer.version}" build_date = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm ZZZ", timestamp()) build_description = "Kubernetes Ubuntu 20.04 Node template\nBuild date: ${local.build_date}\nBuild tool: ${local.build_tool}" shutdown_command = "sudo /usr/sbin/shutdown -P now" iso_paths = ["[${var.common_iso_datastore}] ${var.iso_path}/${var.iso_file}"] iso_checksum = "${var.iso_checksum_type}:${var.iso_checksum_value}" data_source_content = { "/meta-data" = file("data/meta-data") "/user-data" = templatefile("data/user-data.pkrtpl.hcl", { build_username = var.build_username build_password = bcrypt(var.build_password) ssh_keys = concat([local.ssh_public_key], var.ssh_keys) vm_guest_os_language = var.vm_guest_os_language vm_guest_os_keyboard = var.vm_guest_os_keyboard vm_guest_os_timezone = var.vm_guest_os_timezone vm_guest_os_hostname = var.vm_name apt_mirror = var.cloud_init_apt_mirror apt_packages = var.cloud_init_apt_packages }) } } // BLOCK: source // Defines the builder configuration blocks. source "vsphere-iso" "ubuntu-k8s" { // vCenter Server Endpoint Settings and Credentials vcenter_server = var.vsphere_endpoint username = var.vsphere_username password = var.vsphere_password insecure_connection = var.vsphere_insecure_connection // vSphere Settings datacenter = var.vsphere_datacenter cluster = var.vsphere_cluster datastore = var.vsphere_datastore folder = var.vsphere_folder // Virtual Machine Settings vm_name = var.vm_name vm_version = var.common_vm_version guest_os_type = var.vm_guest_os_type firmware = var.vm_firmware CPUs = var.vm_cpu_count cpu_cores = var.vm_cpu_cores CPU_hot_plug = var.vm_cpu_hot_add RAM = var.vm_mem_size RAM_hot_plug = var.vm_mem_hot_add cdrom_type = var.vm_cdrom_type remove_cdrom = var.common_remove_cdrom disk_controller_type = var.vm_disk_controller_type storage { disk_size = var.vm_disk_size disk_thin_provisioned = var.vm_disk_thin_provisioned } network_adapters { network = var.vsphere_network network_card = var.vm_network_card } tools_upgrade_policy = var.common_tools_upgrade_policy notes = local.build_description configuration_parameters = { "devices.hotplug" = "FALSE" } // Removable Media Settings iso_url = var.iso_url iso_paths = local.iso_paths iso_checksum = local.iso_checksum cd_content = local.data_source_content cd_label = var.cd_label // Boot and Provisioning Settings boot_order = var.vm_boot_order boot_wait = var.vm_boot_wait boot_command = var.vm_boot_command ip_wait_timeout = var.common_ip_wait_timeout shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command shutdown_timeout = var.common_shutdown_timeout // Communicator Settings and Credentials communicator = "ssh" ssh_username = var.build_username ssh_private_key_file = local.ssh_private_key_file ssh_clear_authorized_keys = var.build_remove_keys ssh_port = var.communicator_port ssh_timeout = var.communicator_timeout // Snapshot Settings create_snapshot = var.common_snapshot_creation snapshot_name = var.common_snapshot_name // Template and Content Library Settings convert_to_template = var.common_template_conversion dynamic "content_library_destination" { for_each = var.common_content_library_name != null ? [1] : [] content { library = var.common_content_library_name description = local.build_description ovf = var.common_content_library_ovf destroy = var.common_content_library_destroy skip_import = var.common_content_library_skip_export } } // OVF Export Settings dynamic "export" { for_each = var.common_ovf_export_enabled == true ? [1] : [] content { name = var.vm_name force = var.common_ovf_export_overwrite options = [ "extraconfig" ] output_directory = "${var.common_ovf_export_path}/${var.vm_name}" } } } // BLOCK: build // Defines the builders to run, provisioners, and post-processors. build { sources = [ "source.vsphere-iso.ubuntu-k8s" ] provisioner "file" { source = "certs" destination = "/tmp" } provisioner "shell" { execute_command = "export KUBEVERSION=${var.k8s_version}; bash {{ .Path }}" expect_disconnect = true environment_vars = [ "KUBEVERSION=${var.k8s_version}" ] scripts = var.post_install_scripts } provisioner "shell" { execute_command = "bash {{ .Path }}" expect_disconnect = true scripts = var.pre_final_scripts } }