# vSphere connection options variable "vsphere-user" { type = string description = "vSphere user name" } variable "vsphere-password" { type = string description = "vSphere password" } variable "vsphere-server" { type = string description = "vCenter server FQDN or IP" } variable "vsphere-unverified-ssl" { type = string description = "Allow connecting to vCenter with self-signed certificate (true/false)" } # Deployment options variable "vsphere-datacenter" { type = string description = "vSphere datacenter" } variable "vsphere-cluster" { type = string description = "vSphere cluster" default = "" } variable "vsphere-template-folder" { type = string description = "Folder which holds the templates" } variable "vm-template-name" { type = string description = "Name of the template to be cloned" } variable "vm-folder" { type = string description = "Folder to hold the new VMs" } variable "vm-datastore" { type = string description = "vSphere datastore to hold the VMs" } variable "vm-network-name" { type = string description = "Network attached to the VMs" } variable "vm-network-address" { type = string description = "Network address with mask (ex:" } variable "vm-network-gateway" { type = string description = "IPv4 gateway address" } variable "vm-network-dns-servers" { type = list description = "List of DNS servers" } variable "vm-domain" { type = string description = "Domain name for the VM" default = "" } # Control plane specs variable "vm-control-count" { type = string description = "Number of control plane nodes" default = "1" } variable "vm-control-cpu" { type = string description = "Number of vCPUs for the control plane node(s)" default = "2" } variable "vm-control-ram" { type = string description = "Megabytes of RAM for the control plane node(s)" default = "2048" } variable "vm-control-disk-size" { type = string description = "Gigabytes of storage for the control plane node(s) disk" } variable "vm-control-ip-address-start" { type = string description = "Last octet of the first IP available to control plane nodes" } variable "vm-control-name" { type = string description = "Base name of the control plane node(s)" } # Worker specs variable "vm-worker-count" { type = string description = "Number of worker nodes" default = "2" } variable "vm-worker-cpu" { type = string description = "Number of vCPUs for the worker node(s)" default = "1" } variable "vm-worker-ram" { type = string description = "Megabytes of RAM for the worker node(s)" default = "1024" } variable "vm-worker-disk-size" { type = string description = "Gigabytes of storage for the worker node(s) disk" } variable "vm-worker-ip-address-start" { type = string description = "Last octet of the first IP available to worker nodes" } variable "vm-worker-name" { type = string description = "Base name of the worker node(s)" } # Kubernetes specs variable "k8s-version" { type = string description = "Numerical version of Kubernetes to be used" default = "1.25.3" } variable "k8s-cluster-name" { type = string description = "Display name for the new cluster" } variable "k8s-datastore" { type = string description = "vSphere datastore to hold K8s persistent volumes" } variable "k8s-pod-cidr" { type = string description = "Network CIDR range used for pod networking (default:" default = "" } variable "k8s-service-cidr" { type = string description = "Network CIDR range used for service networking (default:" default = "" } variable "k8s-kubevip-version" { type = string description = "Version tag of the desired kube-vip release (ex: v0.5.6)" default = "latest" } variable "k8s-controlplane-vip" { type = string description = "IP or FQDN to be assigned to the integrated kube-vip load balancer" } variable "k8s-username" { type = string description = "Username used to log in to the K8s nodes for cluster bootstrapping" } variable "k8s-ssh-key-file" { type = string description = "Path to a file containing the SSH private key used for cluster bootstrapping" }