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Automating Security Camera Notifications With Home Assistant and Ntfy 2023-11-24 true This is a new post about... false true true Projects

A couple of months ago, I wrote about how I was using a self-hosted instance of ntfy to help streamline notification pushes from a variety of sources. I closed that post with a quick look at how I had integrated ntfy into my Home Assistant setup for some basic notifications.

I've now used that immense power to enhance the notifications I get from the security cameras scattered around my house. I'm using a Reolink NVR with 8 PoE cameras. I selected Reolink cameras specifically because I knew it was supported by Home Assistant, and for the on-device animal/person/vehicle detection which allowed for a bit of extra control over which types of motion events would trigger a notification or other action. I've been very happy with this choice, but I have found that the Reolink app itself can be a bit clunky:

  • The app lets you send notifications on a schedule (I only want notifications from the indoor cameras during work hours when no one is home), but doesn't make it easy to override that schedule (like when it's a holiday and we're all at home anyway).
  • Push notifications don't include an image capture so when I receive a notification about a person in my backyard I have to open the app, go select the correct camera, select the Playback option, and scrub back and forth until I see whatever my camera saw.

I figured I could combine the excellent Reolink integration for Home Assistant with Home Assistant's powerful Automation platform and ntfy to get more informative notifications and more flexible alert schedules. Here's the route I took.

Alert on motion detection

{{% notice note "Ntfy Integration" %}} Since manually configuring ntfy in Home Assistant via the RESTful Notifications integration, I found that a ntfy-specific integration was available through the Home Assistant Community Store addon. That setup is a bit more flexible so I've switched my setup to use it instead:

# configuration.yaml
  - name: ntfy
    platform: rest # [tl! --:8 collapse:8]
    method: POST_JSON
      Authorization: !secret ntfy_token
      topic: home_assistant
    title_param_name: title
    message_param_name: message
    resource: ! secret ntfy_url
    platform: ntfy # [tl! ++:3]
    url: !secret ntfy_url
    token: !secret ntfy_token
    topic: home_assistant

{{% /notice %}}

The Reolink integration exposes a number of entities for each camera. For triggering a notification on motion detection, I'll be interested in the binary sensor entities named like binary_sensor.$location_$type (like binary_sensor.backyard_person and binary_sensor.driveway_vehicle).

So I'll craft start with a simple automation which will push out a notification whenever any of the listed cameras detect a person (or vehicle):

# torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true}
alias: Exterior Motion Alerts
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.backyard_person
      - binary_sensor.driveway_person
      - binary_sensor.driveway_vehicle
      - binary_sensor.east_side_front_person
      - binary_sensor.east_side_rear_person
      - binary_sensor.west_side_person
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.ntfy
      title: Motion detected!
      message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}"

{{% notice tip "Templating" %}} That last line is taking advantage of Jinja templating and trigger variables so that the resulting notification displays the friendly name of whichever binary_sensor triggered the automation run. This way, I'll see something like "Backyard Person" instead of the entity ID listed earlier. {{% /notice %}}

Capture a snapshot

Each Reolink camera also exposes a camera.$location_sub entity which represents the video stream from the connected camera. I can add another action to the notification so that it will grab a snapshot, but I'll also need a way to match the camera entity to the correct binary_sensor entity. I can do that by adding a variable set to the bottom of the automation:

# torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true}
alias: Exterior Motion Alerts
description: ""
trigger: # [tl! collapse:start]
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.backyard_person
      - binary_sensor.driveway_person
      - binary_sensor.driveway_vehicle
      - binary_sensor.east_side_front_person
      - binary_sensor.east_side_rear_person
      - binary_sensor.west_side_person
    from: "off"
    to: "on" # [tl! collapse:end]
condition: []
  - service: camera.snapshot # [tl! ++:start focus:start]
      entity_id: "{{ cameras[trigger.to_state.entity_id] }}"
      filename: /media/snaps/motion.jpg # [tl! ++:end focus:end]
  - service: notify.ntfy
      title: Motion detected!
      message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}"
variables: # [tl! ++:start focus:start]
    binary_sensor.backyard_person: camera.backyard_sub
    binary_sensor.driveway_person: camera.driveway_sub
    binary_sensor.driveway_vehicle: camera.driveway_sub
    binary_sensor.east_side_front_person: camera.east_side_front_sub
    binary_sensor.east_side_rear_person: camera.east_side_rear_sub
    binary_sensor.west_side_person: camera.west_side_sub # [tl! ++:end focus:end]