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synced 2025-03-04 14:02:15 +00:00
64 lines
1.8 KiB
64 lines
1.8 KiB
{{ if .Params.description }}<p>{{ .Params.description }}</p><hr>{{ end }}
{{ if and (gt .WordCount 400 ) (gt (len .TableOfContents) 180) }}
<h3>on this page</h3>
{{ .TableOfContents }}
{{ end }}
{{ if isset .Params "categories" }}
{{$related := where .Site.RegularPages ".Params.categories" "eq" .Params.categories }}
{{- $relatedLimit := default 8 .Site.Params.numberOfRelatedPosts }}
{{ if eq .Params.categories "slashes" }}
<h3>more /slashes</h3>
{{ $sortedPosts := sort $related "Title" }}
{{- range $sortedPosts }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<h3>more {{ lower .Params.categories }}</h3>
{{- range first $relatedLimit $related }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if gt (len $related) $relatedLimit }}
<a href="/categories/{{ lower .Params.categories }}/"><i>See all {{ .Params.categories }}</i></a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- $posts := where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections }}
{{- $featured := default 8 .Site.Params.numberOfFeaturedPosts }}
{{- $featuredPosts := first $featured (where $posts "Params.featured" true)}}
{{- with $featuredPosts }}
{{- range . }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ with .Site.Params.omgUser }}
<script src="https://status.lol/{{ . }}.js?time&link&fluent&pretty" defer></script>
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Params.musicThreadId }}
<h3>current theme song</h3>
<script src="https://res.runtimeterror.dev/js/theme-song.js?id={{ . }}" defer></script>
{{ end }}