/********************************************* * Basic styling for Torchlight code blocks. * **********************************************/ /* Margin and rounding are personal preferences, overflow-x-auto is recommended. */ pre { border-radius: 0.25rem; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; overflow-x: auto; padding: 0; } /* Add some vertical padding and expand the width to fill its container. The horizontal padding comes at the line level so that background colors extend edge to edge. */ pre.torchlight { display: block; padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; } /* Horizontal line padding to match the vertical padding from the code block above. */ pre.torchlight .line { padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem; width: fit-content; } /* Push the code away from the line numbers and summary caret indicators. */ pre.torchlight .line-number, pre.torchlight .summary-caret, pre.torchlight .diff-indicator { margin-right: 0.5rem; } /********************************************* * Focus styling * **********************************************/ /* Blur and dim the lines that don't have the `.line-focus` class, but are within a code block that contains any focus lines. */ .torchlight.has-focus-lines .line:not(.line-focus) { transition: filter 0.35s, opacity 0.35s; filter: blur(.095rem); opacity: .65; } /* When the code block is hovered, bring all the lines into focus. */ .torchlight.has-focus-lines:hover .line:not(.line-focus) { filter: blur(0px); opacity: 1; } /********************************************* * Collapse styling * **********************************************/ .torchlight summary:focus { outline: none; } /* Hide the default markers, as we provide our own */ .torchlight details > summary::marker, .torchlight details > summary::-webkit-details-marker { display: none; } .torchlight details .summary-caret::after { pointer-events: none; } /* Add spaces to keep everything aligned */ .torchlight .summary-caret-empty::after, .torchlight details .summary-caret-middle::after, .torchlight details .summary-caret-end::after { content: " "; } /* Show a minus sign when the block is open. */ .torchlight details[open] .summary-caret-start::after { content: "-"; } /* And a plus sign when the block is closed. */ .torchlight details:not([open]) .summary-caret-start::after { content: "+"; } /* Hide the [...] indicator when open. */ .torchlight details[open] .summary-hide-when-open { display: none; } /* Show the [...] indicator when closed. */ .torchlight details:not([open]) .summary-hide-when-open { display: initial; } /********************************************* * Additional styling * **********************************************/ /* Fix for disjointed horizontal scrollbars */ .highlight div { overflow-x: visible; } /* Insert prompt indicators on interactive shells. */ .cmd::before { color: var(--base07); content: "$ "; } .cmd_root::before { color: var(--base08); content: "# "; } .cmd_pwsh::before { color: var(--base07); content: "PS> "; } /* Don't copy shell outputs */ .nocopy { webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; }