--- title: "/save" date: "2024-05-28T00:25:51Z" lastmod: "2024-05-28" description: "Referral links for products and services I use and heartily recommend." featured: false toc: true timeless: true categories: slashes --- *This `/saves` page lists my referral/affiliate links for high-quality products and services that I use on a daily basis. These are things I frequently recommend to others anyway, but signing up with these links might save one or both of us some money.* ### I use and recommend: - **[Bunny.net](https://bunny.net?ref=0eh23p45xs)** DNS and CDN service that really hops - **[Cloaked](https://join.cloaked.app/?utm_source=referral&utm_campaign=Ee83SGN8OR)** Protect your personal information by generating unique identities - **[Fastmail](https://app.fastmail.com/signup/?STKI=/u29803368)** Fast, private email - **[NextDNS](https://nextdns.io/?from=2jujzdcc)** Cloud-based DNS filtering - **[omg.lol](https://home.omg.lol/referred-by/jbowdre)** The best web address you'll ever have - **[Oura](https://ouraring.com/raf/e3b03b82b5)** A stylish ring to track your sleep and recovery - **[Privacy.com](https://app.privacy.com/join/JMMQ7)** Unique merchant-locked cards for every online purchase - **[Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/?ref=9488431)** Cost-effective cloud infrastructure