--- title: "The Future of virtuallypotato" # Title of the blog post. date: 2023-08-11T10:19:10-05:00 # Date of post creation. # lastmod: 2023-08-11T10:19:10-05:00 # Date when last modified description: "We've been around the internet long enough to know what a blog post about 'a commitment to' or 'the future of' means." # Description used for search engine. featured: false # Sets if post is a featured post, making appear on the home page side bar. draft: true # Sets whether to render this page. Draft of true will not be rendered. toc: true # Controls if a table of contents should be generated for first-level links automatically. usePageBundles: true # menu: main # featureImage: "file.png" # Sets featured image on blog post. # featureImageAlt: 'Description of image' # Alternative text for featured image. # featureImageCap: 'This is the featured image.' # Caption (optional). # thumbnail: "thumbnail.png" # Sets thumbnail image appearing inside card on homepage. # shareImage: "share.png" # Designate a separate image for social media sharing. codeLineNumbers: false # Override global value for showing of line numbers within code block. # series: Tips # Projects, Scripts, vRA8, K8s on vSphere tags: - meta comment: true # Disable comment if false. --- _You've probably been around the internet long enough to know what a blog post about "our commitment to" or "the future of" means..._ When I started sharing my technical notes here at `virtuallypotato.com`, I was excited about VMware's products and was really enjoying my early efforts with vRealize Automation (now Aria Automation).