--- categories: VMware date: "2021-08-13T00:00:00Z" lastmod: "2022-01-18" usePageBundles: true thumbnail: 20210813_workflow_success.png tags: - vmware - vra - vro - javascript - powershell - automation title: Creating static records in Microsoft DNS from vRealize Automation --- One of the requirements for my vRA deployments is the ability to automatically create a static `A` records for non-domain-joined systems so that users can connect without needing to know the IP address. The organization uses Microsoft DNS servers to provide resolution on the internal domain. At first glance, this shouldn't be too much of a problem: vRealize Orchestrator 8.x can run PowerShell scripts, and PowerShell can use the [`Add-DnsServerResourceRecord` cmdlet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsserver/add-dnsserverresourcerecord?view=windowsserver2019-ps) to create the needed records. Not so fast, though. That cmdlet is provided through the [Remote Server Administration Tools](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/system-management-components/remote-server-administration-tools) package so it won't be available within the limited PowerShell environment inside of vRO. A workaround might be to add a Windows machine to vRO as a remote PowerShell host, but then you run into [issues of credential hopping](https://communities.vmware.com/t5/vRealize-Orchestrator/unable-to-run-get-DnsServerResourceRecord-via-vRO-Powershell-wf/m-p/2286685). I eventually came across [this blog post](https://www.virtualnebula.com/blog/2017/7/14/microsoft-ad-dns-integration-over-ssh) which described adding a Windows machine as a remote *SSH* host instead. I'll deviate a bit from the described configuration, but that post did at least get me pointed in the right direction. This approach would get around the complicated authentication-tunneling business while still being pretty easy to set up. So let's go! ### Preparing the SSH host I deployed a Windows Server 2019 Core VM to use as my SSH host, and I joined it to my AD domain as `win02.lab.bowdre.net`. Once that's taken care of, I need to install the RSAT DNS tools so that I can use the `Add-DnsServerResourceRecord` and associated cmdlets. I can do that through PowerShell like so: ```powershell # Install RSAT DNS tools [tl! .nocopy] Add-WindowsCapability -online -name Rsat.Dns.Tools~~~~ # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] ``` Instead of using a third-party SSH server, I'll use the OpenSSH Server that's already available in Windows 10 (1809+) and Server 2019: ```powershell # Install OpenSSH Server [tl! .nocopy] Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~ # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] ``` I'll also want to set it so that the default shell upon SSH login is PowerShell (rather than the standard Command Prompt) so that I can have easy access to those DNS cmdlets: ```powershell # Set PowerShell as the default Shell (for access to DNS cmdlets) # [tl! .nocopy] New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH" -Name DefaultShell ` # [tl! .cmd_pwsh:2 -Value "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" ` -PropertyType String -Force ``` I'll be using my `lab\vra` service account for managing DNS. I've already given it the appropriate rights on the DNS server, but I'll also add it to the Administrators group on my SSH host: ```powershell # Add the service account as a local administrator # [tl! .nocopy] Add-LocalGroupMember -Group Administrators -Member "lab\vra" # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] ``` And I'll modify the OpenSSH configuration so that only members of that Administrators group are permitted to log into the server via SSH: ```powershell # Restrict SSH access to members in the local Administrators group [tl! .nocopy] (Get-Content "C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config") -Replace "# Authentication:", ` "$&`nAllowGroups Administrators" | Set-Content "C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config" # [tl! .cmd_pwsh:-1] ``` Finally, I'll start the `sshd` service and set it to start up automatically: ```powershell # Start service and set it to automatic [tl! .nocopy] Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType Automatic -Status Running # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] ``` #### A quick test At this point, I can log in to the server via SSH and confirm that I can create and delete records in my DNS zone: ```powershell ssh vra@win02.lab.bowdre.net # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] vra@win02.lab.bowdre.net`'s password: # [tl! .nocopy:3] Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -ComputerName win01.lab.bowdre.net ` -Name testy -ZoneName lab.bowdre.net -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address # [tl! .cmd_pwsh:-1] nslookup testy # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] Server: win01.lab.bowdre.net # [tl! .nocopy:start] Address: Name: testy.lab.bowdre.net Address: # [tl! .nocopy:end] Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName win01.lab.bowdre.net ` -Name testy -ZoneName lab.bowdre.net -RRType A -Force # [tl! .cmd_pwsh:-1] nslookup testy # [tl! .cmd_pwsh] Server: win01.lab.bowdre.net # [tl! .nocopy:3] Address: *** win01.lab.bowdre.net can't find testy: Non-existent domain ``` Cool! Now I just need to do that same thing, but from vRealize Orchestrator. First, though, I'll update the template so the requester can choose whether or not a static record will get created. ### Template changes #### Cloud Template Similar to the template changes I made for [optionally joining deployed servers to the Active Directory domain](/joining-vms-to-active-directory-in-site-specific-ous-with-vra8#cloud-template), I'll just be adding a simple boolean checkbox to the `inputs` section of the template in Cloud Assembly: ```yaml formatVersion: 1 inputs: [...] staticDns: title: Create static DNS record type: boolean default: false [...] ``` *Unlike* the AD piece, in the `resources` section I'll just bind a custom property called `staticDns` to the input with the same name: ```yaml resources: Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1: type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine properties: [...] staticDns: '${input.staticDns}' [...] ``` So here's the complete cloud template that I've been working on: ```yaml # torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true} formatVersion: 1 # [tl! focus:1] inputs: site: # [tl! collapse:5] type: string title: Site enum: - BOW - DRE image: # [tl! collapse:6] type: string title: Operating System oneOf: - title: Windows Server 2019 const: ws2019 default: ws2019 size: # [tl! collapse:10] title: Resource Size type: string oneOf: - title: 'Micro [1vCPU|1GB]' const: micro - title: 'Tiny [1vCPU|2GB]' const: tiny - title: 'Small [2vCPU|2GB]' const: small default: small network: # [tl! collapse:2] title: Network type: string adJoin: # [tl! collapse:3] title: Join to AD domain type: boolean default: true staticDns: # [tl! highlight:3 focus:3] title: Create static DNS record type: boolean default: false environment: # [tl! collapse:10] type: string title: Environment oneOf: - title: Development const: D - title: Testing const: T - title: Production const: P default: D function: # [tl! collapse:14] type: string title: Function Code oneOf: - title: Application (APP) const: APP - title: Desktop (DSK) const: DSK - title: Network (NET) const: NET - title: Service (SVS) const: SVS - title: Testing (TST) const: TST default: TST app: # [tl! collapse:5] type: string title: Application Code minLength: 3 maxLength: 3 default: xxx description: # [tl! collapse:4] type: string title: Description description: Server function/purpose default: Testing and evaluation poc_name: # [tl! collapse:3] type: string title: Point of Contact Name default: Jack Shephard poc_email: # [tl! collapse:4] type: string title: Point of Contact Email default: username@example.com pattern: '^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$' ticket: # [tl! collapse:3] type: string title: Ticket/Request Number default: 4815162342 resources: # [tl! focus:3] Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1: type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine properties: # [tl! collapse:start] image: '${input.image}' flavor: '${input.size}' site: '${input.site}' environment: '${input.environment}' function: '${input.function}' app: '${input.app}' ignoreActiveDirectory: '${!input.adJoin}' activeDirectory: relativeDN: '${"OU=Servers,OU=Computers,OU=" + input.site + ",OU=LAB"}' customizationSpec: '${input.adJoin ? "vra-win-domain" : "vra-win-workgroup"}' # [tl! collapse:end] staticDns: '${input.staticDns}' # [tl! focus highlight] dnsDomain: lab.bowdre.net # [tl! collapse:start] poc: '${input.poc_name + " (" + input.poc_email + ")"}' ticket: '${input.ticket}' description: '${input.description}' networks: - network: '${resource.Cloud_vSphere_Network_1.id}' assignment: static constraints: - tag: 'comp:${to_lower(input.site)}' # [tl! collapse:end] Cloud_vSphere_Network_1: type: Cloud.vSphere.Network properties: # [tl! collapse:3] networkType: existing constraints: - tag: 'net:${input.network}' ``` I save the template, and then also hit the "Version" button to publish a new version to the catalog: ![Releasing new version](20210803_new_template_version.png) #### Service Broker Custom Form I switch over to the Service Broker UI to update the custom form - but first I stop off at **Content & Policies > Content Sources**, select my Content Source, and hit the **Save & Import** button to force a sync of the cloud templates. I can then move on to the **Content & Policies > Content** section, click the 3-dot menu next to my template name, and select the option to **Customize Form**. I'll just drag the new Schema Element called `Create static DNS record` from the Request Inputs panel and on to the form canvas. I'll drop it right below the `Join to AD domain` field: ![Adding the field to the form](20210803_updating_custom_form.png) And then I'll hit the **Save** button so that my efforts are preserved. That should take care of the front-end changes. Now for the back-end stuff: I need to teach vRO how to connect to my SSH host and run the PowerShell commands, [just like I tested earlier](#a-quick-test). ### The vRO solution I will be adding the DNS action on to my existing "VM Post-Provisioning" workflow (described [here](/adding-vm-notes-and-custom-attributes-with-vra8), which gets triggered after the VM has been successfully deployed. #### Configuration Element But first, I'm going to go to the **Assets > Configurations** section of the Orchestrator UI and create a new Configuration Element to store variables related to the SSH host and DNS configuration. ![Create a new configuration](Go3D-gemP.png) I'll call it `dnsConfig` and put it in my `CustomProvisioning` folder. ![Giving it a name](fJswso9KH.png) And then I create the following variables: | Variable | Value | Type | | --- | --- | --- | | `sshHost` | `win02.lab.bowdre.net` | string | | `sshUser` | `vra` | string | | `sshPass` | `*****` | secureString | | `dnsServer` | `[win01.lab.bowdre.net]` | Array/string | | `supportedDomains` | `[lab.bowdre.net]` | Array/string | `sshHost` is my new `win02` server that I'm going to connect to via SSH, and `sshUser` and `sshPass` should explain themselves. The `dnsServer` array will tell the script which DNS servers to try to create the record on; this will just be a single server in my lab, but I'm going to construct the script to support multiple servers in case one isn't reachable. And `supported domains` will be used to restrict where I'll be creating records; again, that's just a single domain in my lab, but I'm building this solution to account for the possibility where a VM might need to be deployed on a domain where I can't create a static record in this way so I want it to fail elegantly. Here's what the new configuration element looks like: ![Variables defined](a5gtUrQbc.png) #### Workflow to create records I'll need to tell my workflow about the variables held in the `dnsConfig` Configuration Element I just created. I do that by opening the "VM Post-Provisioning" workflow in the vRO UI, clicking the **Edit** button, and then switching to the **Variables** tab. I create a variable for each member of `dnsConfig`, and enable the toggle to *Bind to configuration* so that I can select the corresponding item. It's important to make sure that the variable type exactly matches what's in the configuration element so that you'll be able to pick it! ![Linking variable to config element](20210809_creating_bound_variable.png) I repeat that for each of the remaining variables until all the members of `dnsConfig` are represented in the workflow: ![Variables added](20210809_variables_added.png) Now we're ready for the good part: inserting a new scriptable task into the workflow schema. I'll called it `Create DNS Record` and place it directly after the `Set Notes` task. For inputs, the task will take in `inputProperties (Properties)` as well as everything from that `dnsConfig` configuration element: ![Task inputs](20210809_task_inputs.png) And here's the JavaScript for the task: ```javascript // torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true} // JavaScript: Create DNS Record task // Inputs: inputProperties (Properties), dnsServers (Array/string), // sshHost (string), sshUser (string), sshPass (secureString), // supportedDomains (Array/string) // Outputs: None var staticDns = inputProperties.customProperties.staticDns; var hostname = inputProperties.resourceNames[0]; var dnsDomain = inputProperties.customProperties.dnsDomain; var ipAddress = inputProperties.addresses[0]; var created = false; // check if user requested a record to be created and if the VM's dnsDomain is in the supportedDomains array if (staticDns == "true" && supportedDomains.indexOf(dnsDomain) >= 0) { System.log("Attempting to create DNS record for "+hostname+"."+dnsDomain+" at "+ipAddress+"...") // create the ssh session to the intermediary host var sshSession = new SSHSession(sshHost, sshUser); System.debug("Connecting to "+sshHost+"...") sshSession.connectWithPassword(sshPass) // loop through DNS servers in case the first one doesn't respond for each (var dnsServer in dnsServers) { if (created == false) { System.debug("Using DNS Server "+dnsServer+"...") // insert the PowerShell command to create A record var sshCommand = 'Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -ComputerName '+dnsServer+' -ZoneName '+dnsDomain+' -Name '+hostname+' -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address '+ipAddress; System.debug("sshCommand: "+sshCommand) // run the command and check the result sshSession.executeCommand(sshCommand, true) var result = sshSession.exitCode; if (result == 0) { System.log("Successfully created DNS record!") // make a note that it was successful so we don't repeat this unnecessarily created = true; } } } sshSession.disconnect() if (created == false) { System.warn("Error! Unable to create DNS record.") } } else { System.log("Not trying to do DNS") } ``` Now I can just save the workflow, and I'm done! - with this part. Of course, being able to *create* a static record is just one half of the fight; I also need to make sure that vRA will be able to clean up these static records when a deployment gets deleted. #### Workflow to delete records I haven't previously created any workflows that fire on deployment removal, so I'll create a new one and call it `VM Deprovisioning`: ![New workflow](20210811_new_workflow.png) This workflow only needs a single input (`inputProperties (Properties)`) so it can receive information about the deployment from vRA: ![Workflow input](20210811_inputproperties.png) I'll also need to bind in the variables from the `dnsConfig` element as before: ![Workflow variables](20210812_deprovision_variables.png) The schema will include a single scriptable task: ![Delete DNS Record task](20210812_delete_dns_record_task.png) And it's going to be *pretty damn similar* to the other one: ```javascript // torchlight! {"lineNumbers": true} // JavaScript: Delete DNS Record task // Inputs: inputProperties (Properties), dnsServers (Array/string), // sshHost (string), sshUser (string), sshPass (secureString), // supportedDomains (Array/string) // Outputs: None var staticDns = inputProperties.customProperties.staticDns; var hostname = inputProperties.resourceNames[0]; var dnsDomain = inputProperties.customProperties.dnsDomain; var ipAddress = inputProperties.addresses[0]; var deleted = false; // check if user requested a record to be created and if the VM's dnsDomain is in the supportedDomains array if (staticDns == "true" && supportedDomains.indexOf(dnsDomain) >= 0) { System.log("Attempting to remove DNS record for "+hostname+"."+dnsDomain+" at "+ipAddress+"...") // create the ssh session to the intermediary host var sshSession = new SSHSession(sshHost, sshUser); System.debug("Connecting to "+sshHost+"...") sshSession.connectWithPassword(sshPass) // loop through DNS servers in case the first one doesn't respond for each (var dnsServer in dnsServers) { if (deleted == false) { System.debug("Using DNS Server "+dnsServer+"...") // insert the PowerShell command to delete A record var sshCommand = 'Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName '+dnsServer+' -ZoneName '+dnsDomain+' -RRType A -Name '+hostname+' -Force'; System.debug("sshCommand: "+sshCommand) // run the command and check the result sshSession.executeCommand(sshCommand, true) var result = sshSession.exitCode; if (result == 0) { System.log("Successfully deleted DNS record!") // make a note that it was successful so we don't repeat this unnecessarily deleted = true; } } } sshSession.disconnect() if (deleted == false) { System.warn("Error! Unable to delete DNS record.") } } else { System.log("No need to clean up DNS.") } ``` Since this is a new workflow, I'll also need to head back to **Cloud Assembly > Extensibility > Subscriptions** and add a new subscription to call it when a deployment gets deleted. I'll call it "VM Deprovisioning", assign it to the "Compute Post Removal" Event Topic, and link it to my new "VM Deprovisioning" workflow. I *could* use the Condition option to filter this only for deployments which had a static DNS record created, but I'll later want to use this same workflow for other cleanup tasks so I'll just save it as is for now. ![VM Deprovisioning subscription](20210812_deprovisioning_subscription.png) ### Testing Now I can (finally) fire off a quick deployment to see if all this mess actually works: ![Test deploy request](20210812_test_deploy_request.png) Once the deployment completes, I go back into vRO, find the most recent item in the **Workflow Runs** view, and click over to the **Logs** tab to see how I did: ![Workflow success!](20210813_workflow_success.png) And I can run a quick query to make sure that name actually resolves: ```shell dig +short bow-ttst-xxx023.lab.bowdre.net A # [tl! .cmd] # [tl! .nocopy] ``` It works! Now to test the cleanup. For that, I'll head back to Service Broker, navigate to the **Deployments** tab, find my deployment, click the little three-dot menu button, and select the **Delete** option: ![Deleting the deployment](20210813_delete_deployment.png) Again, I'll check the **Workflow Runs** in vRO to see that the deprovisioning task completed successfully: ![VM Deprovisioning workflow](20210813_workflow_deletion.png) And I can `dig` a little more to make sure the name doesn't resolve anymore: ```shell dig +short bow-ttst-xxx023.lab.bowdre.net A # [tl! .cmd] ``` It *really* works! ### Conclusion So there you have it - how I've got vRA/vRO able to create and delete static DNS records as needed, using a Windows SSH host as an intermediary. Cool, right?