--- title: "Stuff I Use" date: "2024-01-19T04:15:31Z" # lastmod: {{ .Date | time.Format "2006-01-02" }} description: "The hardware, software, and services which keep me going." toc: true draft: true comments: true timeless: true --- Here's the stuff I use and how I use it. ### Hardware - **[Framework Laptop Chromebook Edition](https://frame.work/products/laptop-chromebook-12-gen-intel)** (i5-1240P | 32GB RAM | 1TB NVMe). This is my primary personal computing device. Yep, it's an overpowered Chromebook, and I make full use of the [Linux Development Environment](https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-library/guides/containers/containers-and-vms/) to Do Things. I love it. - ### Software ### Services