{{ define "main" }} {{- $ageDays := div (sub now.Unix .Date.Unix) 86400 -}} <header class="content__header"> <div class="frontmatter"> <hr> <table class="frontmatter"> <tr><td class="label">title:</td><td class="title">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</td></tr> {{- if .Params.date }} {{- $postDate := .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} {{- $updateDate := .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }} <tr><td class="label">posted:</td><td class="content">{{ $postDate }}</td></tr> {{- if ne $postDate $updateDate }} <tr><td class="label">updated:</td><td class="content">{{ $updateDate }}</td></tr> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{- with .Params.tags }}{{- $tagCount := len . }} <tr class="frontmatter_tags"><td>tags:</td><td>{{- if gt $tagCount 5 }}<details><summary>See all {{ $tagCount }} tags...</summary>{{- end }}["<a href="/tags">all</a>" {{- range . }}{{- $tag := urlize . }}{{ if $tag }}, {{ end }}"<a href='{{ absLangURL (printf "tags/%s" $tag) }}'>{{ . }}</a>"{{- end }}]{{- if gt $tagCount 5 }}</details>{{- end }}</td></tr> {{- end }} </table> <hr> </div> </header> {{- with .Param "lastmod" -}} {{- $ageDays = div (sub now.Unix .Unix) 86400 -}} {{- end -}} {{- if and (gt $ageDays 365) (not .Params.timeless) -}} <br> <div class="notice note"> <p class="first notice-title"><span class="icon-notice baseline"><svg><use href="#note-notice"></use></svg></span>Technology keeps moving but this post has not.</p> What you're about to read hasn't been updated in more than a year. The information may be out of date. Let me know if you see anything that needs fixing. </div> {{- end -}} <div class="content__body"> {{ .Content }} </div> {{- $showComments := true }} {{- if eq .Site.Params.comments false }} {{- $showComments = false }} {{- else if eq .Params.comments false }} {{- $showComments = false }} {{- end }} {{- if ne $showComments false }} <hr> {{- if eq .Site.Params.analytics true }} <span class="post_kudos">Enjoyed this post? <button class="tinylytics_kudos"></button></span> {{- end }} {{- partial "comments" . }} {{- end }} <footer class="content__footer"></footer> {{ end }}