new post: easy push notifications with ntfy

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@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
title: "Easy Push Notifications With"
date: 2023-09-17
# lastmod: 2023-09-17
description: "Deploying and configuring a self-hosted pub-sub notification handler, getting another server to send a notifcation when it boots, and integrating the notification handler into Home Assistant."
featured: false
toc: true
comment: true
series: Projects
- android
- api
- automation
- containers
- docker
- homeassistant
- linux
- rest
- selfhosting
- shell
### The Pitch
Wouldn't it be great if there was a simple way to send a notification to your phone(s) with a simple `curl` call? Then you could get notified when a script completes, or a server reboots, a user logs in to a system, or a sensor connected to Home Assistant changes state. How great would that be??
[]( (pronounced *notify*) provides just that. It's an [open-source](, easy-to-use, HTTP-based notification service, and it can notify using mobile apps for Android ([Play]( or [F-Droid]( or iOS ([App Store]( or a [web app](
I thought it sounded pretty compelling - and *then* I noticed that [ntfy's docs]( made it sound really easy to self-host the server component, which would give me a bit more control and peace of mind.
{{% notice tip "Topics are public" %}}
Ntfy leverages uses a [pub-sub]( approach, and (by default) all topics are public. This means that anyone can write to or read from any topic, which makes it important to use a topic name that others aren't likely to guess.
Self-hosting lets you [define ACLs]( to protect sensitive topics.
{{% /notice %}}
So let's take it for a spin!
### The Setup
I'm going to use the [Docker setup]( on a small cloud server and use [Caddy]( as a reverse proxy. I'll also configure ntfy to require authentication so that randos (*hi!*) won't be able to harass me with notifications.
#### Ntfy in Docker
So I'll start by creating a new directory at `/opt/ntfy/` to hold the goods, and create a compose config.
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/ntfy
$ sudo vim /opt/ntfy/docker-compose.yml
version: "2.3"
image: binwiederhier/ntfy
container_name: ntfy
- serve
- TZ=UTC # optional: set desired timezone
- ./cache/ntfy:/var/cache/ntfy
- ./etc/ntfy:/etc/ntfy
- ./lib/ntf:/var/lib/ntfy
- 2586:80
healthcheck: # optional: remember to adapt the host:port to your environment
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "wget -q --tries=1 http://localhost:8080/v1/health -O - | grep -Eo '\"healthy\"\\s*:\\s*true' || exit 1"]
interval: 60s
timeout: 10s
retries: 3
start_period: 40s
restart: unless-stopped
This config will create/mount folders in the working directory to store the ntfy cache and config. It also maps `localhost:2586` to port `80` on the container, and enables a simple healthcheck against the ntfy health API endpoint. This will ensure that the container will be automatically restarted if it stops working.
I can go ahead and bring it up:
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
Creating network "ntfy_default" with the default driver
Pulling ntfy (binwiederhier/ntfy:)...
latest: Pulling from binwiederhier/ntfy
7264a8db6415: Pull complete
1ac6a3b2d03b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:da08556da89a3f7317557fd39cf302c6e4691b4f8ce3a68aa7be86c4141e11c8
Status: Downloaded newer image for binwiederhier/ntfy:latest
Creating ntfy ... done
#### Caddy Reverse Proxy
I'll also want to add [the following]( to my Caddy config:
```, {
reverse_proxy localhost:2586
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS, but only for GET topic addresses, since we want
# it to work with curl without the annoying https:// prefix
@httpget {
protocol http
method GET
path_regexp ^/([-_a-z0-9]{0,64}$|docs/|static/)
redir @httpget https://{host}{uri}
And I'll restart Caddy to apply the config:
$ sudo systemctl restart caddy
Now I can point my browser to `` and see the web interface:
![Ntfy web interface](web_ui.png)
I can subscribe to a new topic:
![Subscribing to a public topic](subscribe_public_topic.png)
And publish a message to it:
$ curl -d "Hi"
Which will then show up as a notification in my browser:
![Browser notification](browser_notification.png)
#### Post-deploy Configuration
So now I've got my own ntfy server, and I've verified that it works for unauthenticated notifications. I don't really want to operate *anything* on the internet without requiring authentication, though, so I'm going to configure ntfy to prevent unauthenticated reads and writes.
I'll start by creating a `server.yml` config file which will be mounted into the container. This config will specify where to store the user database and switch the default ACL to `deny-all`:
auth-file: "/var/lib/ntfy/user.db"
auth-default-access: "deny-all"
base-url: ""
I can then restart the container, and try again to subscribe to the same (or any other topic):
$ sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d
Now I get prompted to log in:
![Login prompt](login_required.png)
I'll need to use the ntfy CLI to create/manage entries in the user DB, and that means first grabbing a shell inside the container:
$ sudo docker exec -it ntfy /bin/sh
For now, I'm going to create three users: one as an administrator, one as a "writer", and one as a "reader". I'll be prompted for a password for each:
$ ntfy user add --role=admin administrator
user administrator added with role admin
$ ntfy user add writer
user writer added with role user
$ ntfy user add reader
user reader added with role user
The admin user has global read+write access, but right now the other two can't do anything. Let's make it so that `writer` can write to all topics, and `reader` can read from all topics:
$ ntfy access writer '*' write
$ ntfy access reader '*' read
I could lock these down further by selecting specific topic names instead of `'*'` but this will do fine for now.
Let's go ahead and verify the access as well:
$ ntfy access
user administrator (role: admin, tier: none)
- read-write access to all topics (admin role)
user reader (role: user, tier: none)
- read-only access to topic *
user writer (role: user, tier: none)
- write-only access to topic *
user * (role: anonymous, tier: none)
- no topic-specific permissions
- no access to any (other) topics (server config)
While I'm at it, I also want to configure an access token to be used with the `writer` account. I'll be able to use that instead of username+password when publishing messages.
$ ntfy token add writer
token tk_mm8o6cwxmox11wrnh8miehtivxk7m created for user writer, never expires
I can go back to the web, subscribe to the `testy` topic again using the `reader` credentials, and then test sending an authenticated notification with `curl`:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer tk_mm8o6cwxmox11wrnh8miehtivxk7m" \
-d "Once more, with auth!" \
{"id":"0dmX9emtehHe","time":1694987274,"expires":1695030474,"event":"message","topic":"testy","message":"Once more, with auth!"}
![Authenticated notification](authenticated_notification.png)
### The Use Case
Pushing notifications from the command line is neat, but how can I use this to actually make my life easier? Let's knock out quick quick configurations for a couple of the use cases I pitched at the top of the post: alerting me when a server has booted, and handling Home Assistant notifications in a better way.
#### Notify on Boot
I'm sure there are a bunch of ways to get a Linux system to send a simple `curl` call on boot. I'm going to create a simple script that will be triggered by a systemd service definition.
##### Generic Push Script
I may want to wind up having servers notify for a variety of conditions so I'll start with a generic script which will accept a notification title and message as arguments:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer tk_mm8o6cwxmox11wrnh8miehtivxk7m" \
-H "Title: $1" \
-d "$2" \
Note that I'm using a new topic name now: `server_alerts`. Topics are automatically created when messages are posted to them. I just need to make sure to subscribe to the topic in the web UI (or mobile app) so that I can receive these notifications.
Okay, now let's make it executable and then give it a quick test:
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
$ /usr/local/bin/ "Script Test" "This is a test from the magic script I just wrote."
![Script test](script_test.png)
##### Wrapper for Specific Message
I don't know an easy way to tell a systemd service definition to pass arguments to a command, so I'll use a quick wrapper script to pass in the notification details:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
TITLE="$(hostname -s)"
MESSAGE="System boot complete"
/usr/local/bin/ "$TITLE" "$MESSAGE"
And this one should be executable as well:
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
##### Service Definition
Finally I can create and register the service definition so that the script will run at each system boot.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now ntfy_boot_complete.service
And I can test it by rebooting my server. I should get a push notification shortly...
![Boot notification](boot_notification.png)
Nice! Now I won't have to continually ping a server to see if it's finished rebooting yet.
#### Home Assistant
I've been using [Home Assistant]( for years, but have never been completely happy with the notifications built into the mobile app. Each instance of the app registers itself as a different notification endpoint, and it can become kind of cumbersome to keep those updated in the Home Assistant configuration.
Enabling ntfy as a notification handler is pretty straight-forward, and it will allow me to receive alerts on all my various devices without even needing to have the Home Assistant app installed.
##### Notify Configuration
I'll add ntfy to Home Assistant by using the [RESTful Notifications]( integration. For that, I just need to update my instance's `configuration.yaml` to configure the connection.
- name: ntfy
platform: rest
method: POST_JSON
Authorization: !secret ntfy_token
topic: home_assistant
title_param_name: title
message_param_name: message
The `Authorization` line references a secret stored in `secrets.yaml`:
ntfy_token: Bearer tk_mm8o6cwxmox11wrnh8miehtivxk7m
After reloading the Home Assistant configuration, I can use **Developer Tools > Services** to send a test notification:
![Home Assistant Test Send](ha_test_send.png)
![Home Assistant Test Receive](ha_test_receive.png)
##### Automation Configuration
I'll use the Home Assistant UI to push a notification through ntfy if any of my three water leak sensors switch from `Dry` to `Wet`:
![Home Assistant Automation Notify](ha_automation_notify.png)
The business end of this is the service call at the end:
service: notify.ntfy
title: Leak detected!
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} detected."
### The Wrap-up
That was pretty easy, right? It didn't take a lot of effort to set up a self-hosted notification server that can be triggered by a simple authenticated HTTP POST, and now my brain is fired up thinking about all the other ways I can use this to stay informed about what's happening on my various systems.
Maybe my notes can help you get started with, and I hope you'll let me know in the comments if you come up with any other killer use cases. Thanks for reading.

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