title: Logging in to Multiple vCenter Servers at Once with PowerCLI
I manage a large VMware environment spanning several individual vCenters, and I often need to run [PowerCLI](https://code.vmware.com/web/tool/12.0.0/vmware-powercli) queries across the entire environment. I waste valuable seconds running `Connect-ViServer` and logging in for each and every vCenter I need to talk to. Wouldn't it be great if I could just log into all of them at once?
I can, and here's how I do it.

### The Script
The following Powershell script will let you define a list of vCenters to be accessed, securely store your credentials for each vCenter, log in to every vCenter with a single command, and also close the connections when they're no longer needed. It's also a great starting point for any other custom functions you'd like to incorporate into your PowerCLI sessions.
Edit whatever shortcut you use for launching PowerCLI (I use a tab in [Windows Terminal](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal) - I'll do another post on that setup later) to reference the custom init script. Here's the commandline I use:
Now just use that shortcut to open up PowerCLI when you wish to do things. The custom functions will be loaded and waiting for you.
1. Start by running `Update-Credentials`. It will prompt you for the username+password needed to log into each vCenter listed in `$vCenterList`. These can be the same or different accounts, but you will need to enter the credentials for each vCenter since they get stored in a separate `ViCredentialStoreItem`. You'll also run this function again if you need to change the password(s) in the future.