fetch web page

This commit is contained in:
jbowdre 2024-03-07 15:45:20 +00:00 committed by github-actions[bot]
parent d994540f5a
commit 3e3d3f6823
3 changed files with 234 additions and 0 deletions

web.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#now .statuslol_content a,
#now .statuslol_content p,
#now .statuslol_content li,
#now .statuslol_content em,
#now .statuslol_content strong {
font-size: 0.8em;
color: #111;
text-shadow: none;
#now .statuslol_content a {
color: #111;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #111;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration-line: none;
text-decoration-thickness: initial;
text-decoration-style: initial;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
#now .statuslol_content code {
color: #111;
background: #ced4da;
display: inline-block;
padding: 0.2em 0.3em;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;
#plug p {
font-size: 0.8em;
.kudos {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
button.tinylytics_kudos {
border: 0;
background-color: transparent;
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
font-size: 1.2rem;
transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
button.tinylytics_kudos:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
text-shadow: var(--off-fg) 0 0 1px;

web.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# John Bowdre
| Pronouns: he/him
| Occupation: cloud platform architect
| Location: huntsville, al
--- Bio ---
<span class="kudos">Hi!<button class="tinylytics_kudos"></button></span>
I write code to make imaginary computers run code written by less imaginary developers
--- Profile Items ---
# /dev/stdout
- [techy blog posts](https://runtimeterror.dev) {laptop-code}
- [gemlog](https://capsule.jbowdre.lol/gemlog/) {satellite}
- [code and kludges](https://github.com/jbowdre)
# /dev/net
- [counter.social](https://counter.social/@john_b) {hashtag}
- [social.lol](https://social.lol/@jbowdre)
- [statuslog](https://status.jbowdre.lol) {prami}
- [/now](https://jbowdre.lol/now) {prami}
# /mnt/media
- [autox videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwzr4uKY-x-EwCv-rWNGefdikuW6Oy9O_)
- [games i play](https://steamcommunity.com/id/codesplice/)
- [music i listen to](https://url.jbowdre.lol/song-obsessions) {headphones}
# /usr/local/bin
- [stuff i use](https://url.jbowdre.lol/stuff-i-use) {thumbs-up}
# /dev/stdin
- [matrix](https://matrix.to/#/@jbowdre:omg.lol) {matrix}
- [simplex chat](https://url.jbowdre.lol/simplex-chat-invite) {message}
- [signal](https://signal.me/#eu/lyHZbMnlM16O0w48j3rshYBofO0K-iXOt9LGwln7TS-fNKEHCrxH3La325q8IjRU) {signal-app}
- [xmpp](https://conversations.im/i/jbowdre@omg.lol?omemo-sid-1374125881=a620f3c57733601a6646f6f13a71c86fc9be8dd4126fd158ef3e0a26beb0b434) {xmpp}
- [electronic mail](mailto:jbowdre@omg.lol) {fastmail}
- PGP: {pgp-key}
# /proc/wx
- <span id="conditions"></span> {cloud-sun-rain}
- <span id="temp"></span> {temperature-half}
- <span id="humidity"></span> {droplet}
- <span id="wind"></span> {wind}
- <span id="rainToday"></span> {droplet-slash}
- <span id="pressure"></span> {arrow-right-long}
- <i>as of <span id="time"></span></i> {clock}

web_head.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
<link rel="me" title="proven.lol" href="https://proven.lol/4cc26c">
<script src="https://tinylytics.app/embed/QUH6xcnWKYeUUYaMkDKd.js?kudos=👋" defer></script>
const wx_endpoint = 'https://paste.jbowdre.lol/tempest.json/raw';
// get ready to calculate relative time
const units = {
year : 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365,
month : 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365/12,
day : 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
hour : 60 * 60 * 1000,
minute: 60 * 1000,
second: 1000
let rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en', { numeric: 'auto' })
let getRelativeTime = (d1, d2 = new Date()) => {
let elapsed = d1 - d2
for (var u in units)
if (Math.abs(elapsed) > units[u] || u === 'second')
return rtf.format(Math.round(elapsed/units[u]), u)
// set up temperature and rain ranges
const tempRanges = [
{ upper: 32, label: 'cold' },
{ upper: 60, label: 'cool' },
{ upper: 80, label: 'warm' },
{ upper: Infinity, label: 'hot' }
const rainRanges = [
{ upper: 0.02, label: 'none' },
{ upper: 0.2, label: 'light' },
{ upper: 1.4, label: 'moderate' },
{ upper: Infinity, label: 'heavy' }
// maps for selecting icons
'steady': 'fa-solid fa-arrow-right-long',
'rising': 'fa-solid fa-arrow-trend-up',
'falling': 'fa-solid fa-arrow-trend-down'
const CLASS_MAP_RAIN = {
'none': 'fa-solid fa-droplet-slash',
'light': 'fa-solid fa-glass-water-droplet',
'moderate': 'fa-solid fa-glass-water',
'heavy': 'fa-solid fa-bucket'
const CLASS_MAP_TEMP = {
'hot': 'fa-solid fa-thermometer-full',
'warm': 'fa-solid fa-thermometer-half',
'cool': 'fa-solid fa-thermometer-quarter',
'cold': 'fa-solid fa-thermometer-empty'
const CLASS_MAP_WX = {
'clear-day': 'fa-solid fa-sun',
'clear-night': 'fa-solid fa-moon',
'cloudy': 'fa-solid fa-cloud',
'foggy': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-showers-smog',
'partly-cloudy-day': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-sun',
'partly-cloudy-night': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-moon',
'possibly-rainy-day': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-sun-rain',
'possibly-rainy-night': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-moon-rain',
'possibly-sleet-day': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-meatball',
'possibly-sleet-night': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-moon-rain',
'possibly-snow-day': 'fa-solid fa-snowflake',
'possibly-snow-night': 'fa-solid fa-snowflake',
'possibly-thunderstorm-day': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-bolt',
'possibly-thunderstorm-night': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-bolt',
'rainy': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-showers-heavy',
'sleet': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-rain',
'snow': 'fa-solid fa-snowflake',
'thunderstorm': 'fa-solid fa-cloud-bolt',
'windy': 'fa-solid fa-wind',
// fetch data from pastebin
.then(res => res.json())
// calculate age of last update
let updateTime = res.time;
updateTime = parseInt(updateTime);
updateTime = updateTime*1000;
updateTime = new Date(updateTime);
let updateAge = getRelativeTime(updateTime);
// parse data
let conditions = (res.conditions).toLowerCase();
let tempDiff = Math.abs(res.temperature - res.feels_like);
let temp = `${res.temperature}°f (${(((res.temperature - 32) * 5) / 9).toFixed(1)}°c)`;
if (tempDiff >= 5) {
temp += `, feels ${res.feels_like}°f (${(((res.feels_like - 32) *5) / 9).toFixed(1)}°c)`;
let tempLabel = (tempRanges.find(range => res.feels_like < range.upper)).label;
let humidity = `${res.humidity}% humidity`;
let wind = `${res.wind_gust}mph (${(res.wind_gust*1.609344).toFixed(1)}kph) from ${(res.wind_direction).toLowerCase()}`;
let rainLabel = (rainRanges.find(range => res.rain_today < range.upper)).label;
let rainToday;
if (res.rain_today === 0) {
rainToday = 'no rain today';
} else {
rainToday = `${res.rain_today}" rain today`;
let pressureTrend = res.pressure_trend;
let pressure = `${res.pressure}inhg and ${pressureTrend}`;
let icon = res.icon;
// display data
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = updateAge;
document.getElementById('conditions').innerHTML = conditions;
document.getElementById('temp').innerHTML = temp;
document.getElementById('humidity').innerHTML = humidity;
document.getElementById('wind').innerHTML = wind;
document.getElementById('rainToday').innerHTML = rainToday;
document.getElementById('pressure').innerHTML = pressure;
// update icons
document.getElementsByClassName('fa-cloud-sun-rain')[0].classList = CLASS_MAP_WX[icon];
document.getElementsByClassName('fa-temperature-half')[0].classList = CLASS_MAP_TEMP[tempLabel];
document.getElementsByClassName('fa-droplet-slash')[0].classList = CLASS_MAP_RAIN[rainLabel];
document.getElementsByClassName('fa-arrow-right-long')[0].classList = CLASS_MAP_PRESS[pressureTrend];