- (2024-10-20) Migrated my Fediverse presence to an [ActivityPub server running on a Raspberry Pi](https://srsbsns.lol/going-to-gotosocial/) {mastodon}
- (2024-09-29) Began [publishing (selected) SilverBullet notes with Quartz](https://runtimeterror.dev/publish-silverbullet-notes-quartz/) over at [notes.runtimeterror.dev](https://notes.runtimeterror.dev) {gem}
- (2024-09-21) Rode 40(ish) miles and celebrated with all-I-could-eat barbecue {bicycle}
- German with [Duolingo](https://www.duolingo.com/) (Section 4, Unit 22) {language}
- Esperanto with [Duolingo](https://www.duolingo.com/) (Section 1, Unit 12) {language}
- Going deeper with Go, with [Go Programming: From Beginner to Professional](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL38409851W/Go_Programming_-_From_Beginner_to_Professional) by Samantha Coyle {book}
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(This is a [/now page](https://nownownow.com/about), where I share what's happening lately. If you have your own site, [you should totally make one](https://nownownow.com/about), too.)