- (2024-03-07) [GitOps'd my /now page](https://github.com/jbowdre/lolz/blob/main/.github/workflows/update-now.yml) and [my omg web page](https://github.com/jbowdre/lolz/blob/main/.github/workflows/update-web.yml) {wand-sparkles}
- Crafting a [Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/) dashboard for displaying data from my new [Weatherflow Tempest](https://shop.weatherflow.com/products/tempest) weather station
- Sprucing up my [Nix dotfiles](https://github.com/jbowdre/dotfiles)
- Getting started with the [Johnny.Decimal system](https://johnnydecimal.com/) {folder-open}
- Settling in with my new [BOOX Air3 C](https://shop.boox.com/products/noteair3) e-ink writing tablet {tablet}
- Establishing a foothold in [Geminispace](https://geminiprotocol.net/) {user-astronaut}
### {atom} Plotting
- Figure out Eleventy, maybe? {question}
### {circle-play} Consuming
- [Because Internet](https://gretchenmcculloch.com/book/) by Gretchen McCulloch {book}
- Cloud data lakes with [The Cloud Data Lake](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/the-cloud-data/9781098116576/) by Rukmani Gopalan {book}
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(This is a [/now page](https://nownownow.com/about), where I share what's happening lately. If you have your own site, [you should totally make one](https://nownownow.com/about), too.)