{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ../common ../common/wayland-wm ./tty-init.nix ./basic-binds.nix ./systemd-fixes.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ inputs.hyprwm-contrib.grimblast hyprslurp hyprpicker ]; wayland.windowManager.hyprland = { enable = true; package = pkgs.inputs.hyprland.hyprland; settings = { general = { gaps_in = 15; gaps_out = 20; border_size = 2.7; cursor_inactive_timeout = 4; }; input = { kb_layout = "br,us"; touchpad.disable_while_typing = false; }; dwindle.split_width_multiplier = 1.35; misc.vfr = true; decoration = { active_opacity = 0.92; inactive_opacity = 0.75; fullscreen_opacity = 1.0; rounding = 5; blur = { enabled = true; size = 5; passes = 3; new_optimizations = true; ignore_opacity = true; }; drop_shadow = true; shadow_range = 12; shadow_offset = "3 3"; "col.shadow" = "0x44000000"; "col.shadow_inactive" = "0x66000000"; }; animations = { enabled = true; bezier = [ "easein,0.11, 0, 0.5, 0" "easeout,0.5, 1, 0.89, 1" "easeinback,0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56" "easeoutback,0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1" ]; animation = [ "windowsIn,1,3,easeoutback,slide" "windowsOut,1,3,easeinback,slide" "windowsMove,1,3,easeoutback" "workspaces,1,2,easeoutback,slide" "fadeIn,1,3,easeout" "fadeOut,1,3,easein" "fadeSwitch,1,3,easeout" "fadeShadow,1,3,easeout" "fadeDim,1,3,easeout" "border,1,3,easeout" ]; }; exec = [ "${pkgs.swaybg}/bin/swaybg -i ${config.wallpaper} --mode fill" ]; bind = let swaylock = "${config.programs.swaylock.package}/bin/swaylock"; playerctl = "${config.services.playerctld.package}/bin/playerctl"; playerctld = "${config.services.playerctld.package}/bin/playerctld"; makoctl = "${config.services.mako.package}/bin/makoctl"; wofi = "${config.programs.wofi.package}/bin/wofi"; pass-wofi = "${pkgs.pass-wofi.override { pass = config.programs.password-store.package; }}/bin/pass-wofi"; grimblast = "${pkgs.inputs.hyprwm-contrib.grimblast}/bin/grimblast"; pactl = "${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl"; tly = "${pkgs.tly}/bin/tly"; gtk-play = "${pkgs.libcanberra-gtk3}/bin/canberra-gtk-play"; notify-send = "${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send"; gtk-launch = "${pkgs.gtk3}/bin/gtk-launch"; xdg-mime = "${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-mime"; defaultApp = type: "${gtk-launch} $(${xdg-mime} query default ${type})"; terminal = config.home.sessionVariables.TERMINAL; browser = defaultApp "x-scheme-handler/https"; editor = defaultApp "text/plain"; in [ # Program bindings "SUPER,Return,exec,${terminal}" "SUPER,e,exec,${editor}" "SUPER,v,exec,${editor}" "SUPER,b,exec,${browser}" # Brightness control (only works if the system has lightd) ",XF86MonBrightnessUp,exec,light -A 10" ",XF86MonBrightnessDown,exec,light -U 10" # Volume ",XF86AudioRaiseVolume,exec,${pactl} set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%" ",XF86AudioLowerVolume,exec,${pactl} set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%" ",XF86AudioMute,exec,${pactl} set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" "SHIFT,XF86AudioMute,exec,${pactl} set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle" ",XF86AudioMicMute,exec,${pactl} set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle" # Screenshotting ",Print,exec,${grimblast} --notify --freeze copy output" "SHIFT,Print,exec,${grimblast} --notify --freeze copy active" "CONTROL,Print,exec,${grimblast} --notify --freeze copy screen" "SUPER,Print,exec,${grimblast} --notify --freeze copy area" "ALT,Print,exec,${grimblast} --notify --freeze copy area" # Tally counter "SUPER,z,exec,${notify-send} -t 1000 $(${tly} time) && ${tly} add && ${gtk-play} -i dialog-information" # Add new entry "SUPERCONTROL,z,exec,${notify-send} -t 1000 $(${tly} time) && ${tly} undo && ${gtk-play} -i dialog-warning" # Undo last entry "SUPERCONTROLSHIFT,z,exec,${tly} reset && ${gtk-play} -i complete" # Reset "SUPERSHIFT,z,exec,${notify-send} -t 1000 $(${tly} time)" # Show current time ] ++ (lib.optionals config.services.playerctld.enable [ # Media control ",XF86AudioNext,exec,${playerctl} next" ",XF86AudioPrev,exec,${playerctl} previous" ",XF86AudioPlay,exec,${playerctl} play-pause" ",XF86AudioStop,exec,${playerctl} stop" "ALT,XF86AudioNext,exec,${playerctld} shift" "ALT,XF86AudioPrev,exec,${playerctld} unshift" "ALT,XF86AudioPlay,exec,systemctl --user restart playerctld" ]) ++ # Screen lock (lib.optionals config.programs.swaylock.enable [ ",XF86Launch5,exec,${swaylock} -i ${config.wallpaper}" ",XF86Launch4,exec,${swaylock} -i ${config.wallpaper}" "SUPER,backspace,exec,${swaylock} -i ${config.wallpaper}" ]) ++ # Notification manager (lib.optionals config.services.mako.enable [ "SUPER,w,exec,${makoctl} dismiss" ]) ++ # Launcher (lib.optionals config.programs.wofi.enable [ "SUPER,x,exec,${wofi} -S drun -x 10 -y 10 -W 25% -H 60%" "SUPER,d,exec,${wofi} -S run" ] ++ (lib.optionals config.programs.password-store.enable [ ",Scroll_Lock,exec,${pass-wofi}" # fn+k ",XF86Calculator,exec,${pass-wofi}" # fn+f12 "SUPER,semicolon,exec,pass-wofi" ])); monitor = map (m: let resolution = "${toString m.width}x${toString m.height}@${toString m.refreshRate}"; position = "${toString m.x}x${toString m.y}"; in "${m.name},${if m.enabled then "${resolution},${position},1" else "disable"}" ) (config.monitors); workspace = map (m: "${m.name},${m.workspace}" ) (lib.filter (m: m.enabled && m.workspace != null) config.monitors); }; # This is order sensitive, so it has to come here. extraConfig = '' # Passthrough mode (e.g. for VNC) bind=SUPER,P,submap,passthrough submap=passthrough bind=SUPER,P,submap,reset submap=reset ''; }; }