It's been a few months since I shared how I had integrated (near) realtime weather station data[1] into my profile page[2]. I've since done a little bit more work to start managing that (and the related /now[3] page) with GitOps[4]. Not only has that allowed me to update my pages from my terminal, but it's also made it easier (and safer) for me to tinker with the presentation. => 1: integrated (near) realtime weather station data => 2: profile page => 3: /now => 4: with GitOps So today I knocked out something I'd been intended to do for ages: I set up my /now page to pull the latest album or track from my "Now Playing" thread on MusicThread[1]. I opted for this approach rather than direct (or other scrobbler) integration for two important reasons: => 1: "Now Playing" thread on MusicThread 1. It was easier, and 2. I want there to still be some degree of personal curation occurring. I want it to answer the question, "Hey, what are you listening to lately?" rather than just blindly reporting whatever happens to be queued up. As a visitor to someone's page, I'm less interested in what song is currently playing than I am in what music has caught their ear recently. So that's what I wanted to present on my page. All that is to say, this integration was pretty straight forward and I didn't even need to mess with any messy authentication. MusicThread has a very simple API[1], so I quickly determine that all I needed to do was make a `GET` request against: => 1: very simple API ``` ``` And it would return the thread in JSON: ``` { "links": [ { "artist": "Stone Sour", "description": "", "key": "2fnI6uEVJdT5kPyRho6XQhebmVO", "page_url": "", "submitted_at": "2024-04-29T22:37:22.740999Z", "thumbnail_url": "", "title": "Through Glass", "type": "track" }, { "artist": "Logic, Eminem", "description": "", "key": "2fWfoHJysUL8LlwyiIZoo6Vjmck", "page_url": "", "submitted_at": "2024-04-24T01:25:27.31569Z", "thumbnail_url": "", "title": "Homicide (feat. Eminem)", "type": "track" } ] } ``` I'm only interested in the newest (0th) entry, and I only need the title, artist, and page\_url. So here's the JS I hastily threw together to throw into the head element of my web/now page: ``` // retrieves latest link from a musicthread thread and displays it on the page const musicthread = ''; fetch(musicthread) .then(res => res.json()) .then(function(res){ let nowPlaying = res.links[0]; document.getElementById('now-playing').innerHTML = "" + nowPlaying.title + " by " + nowPlaying.artist; }); ``` And then I can just replace the list-item where I'd been manually inputting the music info (like a cave person) with something like this: ``` - Silence {headphones} ``` So that's now live on[1], and the source for the whole shebang is in my GitHub[2]. I even have a quick musicthread.html[3]page I made for testing in case you want a quick peak at just this piece. => 1: => 2: my GitHub => 3: musicthread.html => 📡 Originally posted on Scribbles