While futzing around a bit yesterday, I came across a GitHub profile which showed a purple "snake" eating its way through the user's contributions grid. I laughed at how unnecessary this was, and then promptly set about adding it to my own profile page. => https://github.com/jbowdre jbowdre on GitHub => /res/2024-03-28-github-profile.png Profile screenshot It turned out to be really easy to do, thanks to the snk action from Platane: => https://github.com/Platane/snk Platane/snk on GitHub Here's the workflow I worked up to implement it on my page: ```.github/workflows/snek.yml name: mek snek on: schedule: - cron: "0 */12 * * *" workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main jobs: snek: permissions: contents: write runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 5 steps: - name: checkout den uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: generate snek uses: Platane/snk@v3 with: github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }} outputs: | res/light-snek.svg res/dark-snek.svg?palette=github-dark res/light-snek.gif res/dark-snek.gif?palette=github-dark - name: save snek uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4 with: commit_message: 'mek snek' file_pattern: 'res/*.svg res/*.gif' ``` And then just insert it to my readme like so: ```readme.md github contribution grid snake animation _distracting eye candy courtesy of [Platane/snk](https://github.com/Platane/snk)_ ``` So unnecessary, but I'm *so* entertained. => https://github.com/jbowdre/jbowdre jbowdre/jbowdre on GitHub