I've been using [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) for managing my thoughts and notes and references for a few years. I've toyed a few times with using [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish) to share some of those notes publicly, but I wasn't sure I'd get enough benefit from that to justify the $8/mo subscription *just* for Publish.
Hugo, Jekyll, and 11ty are also SSGs which convert Markdown files into functional websites, but Quartz is optimized for the [digital garden](https://jzhao.xyz/posts/networked-thought)approach of less-polished posts which can grow and connect together organically. It's a great way to collect (and share) bits of knowledge, and a great complement to how I already work with Obsidian.
This is being served from one of my cloud servers, and is deployed to there through a [GitHub Actions workflow](https://github.com/jbowdre/notes/blob/a2255ba40561f6754fbefca3d901847f7bb546f5/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml) I cobbled together for that purpose. That GitHub repo holds a new safe-for-public-consumption Obsidian Vault, and I can publish new notes by simply writing them in Obsidian and then running: