I tend to drop a lot of links in my posts. Some point to other posts/pages within the same site, but many point to external sites. As a *reader*, I like to know where a link is going to take me, but as a *writer*, I'm not always great about indicating that context within the text.
I mentioned in my [inaugural "This Week" post](/this-week-2024-06-29/) that I recently discovered how to use [Hugo's link render-hook templates](https://gohugo.io/render-hooks/links/) to automatically apply a little `↗` marker to external links posted on [runtimeterror](https://runtimeterror.dev). All that took was creating `layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html` with the following content to overwrite the default rendering:
So I went looking for a CSS-based solution that would work here. It only took about 30 seconds of searching to find [a post from Jake Bauer](https://www.paritybit.ca/blog/styling-external-links/) with the relevant CSS bits.
All I needed was to add this block to my Bear theme CSS: